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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Storm Ciaran update: Reminder to prepare for high winds

04 November 2023


Islanders are advised to take care while travelling this weekend because, while winds are not expected to be as severe as during Storm Ciarán, many structures are fragile, trees may be unstable and, with further rainfall and showers, the ground conditions may also cause further issues weakening tree roots.

Jersey Met has confirmed there are no signs of further significant storms or rainfall events affecting the Channel Islands over the next six days, but the wind may briefly reach gale F8 in Jersey on Sunday morning, with gusts to 55mph in the south of the Island around dawn.

Storm Domingos is not expected to directly affect the Channel Islands. For the latest weather forecast visit 

Roads, countryside and infrastructure

Teams from the Infrastructure and Environment department are working through the weekend to continue to clear roads. Their priority remains on Jersey's major roads, areas identified as unsafe, and locations where access is needed for Emergency Services and utility companies. They are also inspecting school routes ahead of Monday.

The start of the Beaumont roadworks, which had been due to begin on Monday 6 November, will be delayed.

Many countryside and coastal sites and footpaths have also been surveyed by the Natural Environment team. Branches are hanging from trees, and fallen trees and soil damage from roots remain a risk. Government advice, therefore, remains that people should avoid using countryside and coastal paths, where possible. Islanders are asked not to go beyond the barrier tape that has been used to close off some of these areas. 

Vulnerable households

If safe to do so, Islanders are asked to check on neighbours, friends, and family members, particularly the elderly and those who are vulnerable. 

Some households have been affected by power outages and a loss of mobile phone services, and operators are working remotely to restore services and will complete on-site visits when it is safe to do so.

Agencies are working as a priority over the weekend to locate and contact vulnerable Islanders to ensure that they are safe and have appropriate support.

More than 100 Islanders have been evacuated to hotels and are being supported. Government continues to provide families with practical and emotional support.

Please use the following numbers:

  • Non-emergency Government of Jersey line:
    01534 612222 (Saturday until 5pm and Sunday 9am – 5pm).
  • Dedicated Jersey Electricity phone line for customers without power: 
    01534 505422 (Saturday until 4pm and Sunday 9am – 4pm)

Teams from parishes, emergency services and Infrastructure and Environment continue to clear fallen trees and debris from the road network.

Food supplies

We wish to reassure Islanders that there remains connectivity for the delivery of food supplies. Cargo ferries are due to dock this evening and tomorrow morning, providing provisions. While the storm has caused minor delays in the delivery of some fresh food items, therefore reducing choice, stores are open and remain well stocked with provisions.


Most schools are expected to open on Monday morning and have communicated this to their parents.

Samarès School, Hautlieu School and Victoria College will remain closed on Monday due to damage sustained during the storm. Work is underway to repair the damage, and parents of those three schools have received communication directly.  

Headteachers of individual schools will contact parents and carers with any further updates.

Health Services

The emergency department remains open as usual for life threatening, serious illnesses, or injury and the Mental Health Crisis Team remains operational 24/7. Please call 01534 445290. 

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