02 November 2023
Islanders are being asked to think carefully before leaving home tomorrow (Friday 3 November) as work continues to clear public roads of trees and debris.
Teams from the Infrastructure and Environment (I&E) Department and emergency services, have been clearing roads throughout the day, but there are still many roads which remain impassable or partially blocked. Trees and branches which are dangerous and could fall, reconfirming the need for Islanders to only travel if it is essential.
Main roads from the north of the Island into St Helier have been cleared, as have a number of other main roads including St Aubin's Hill, Mont Les Vaux, Beaumont Hill, St Clement's Coast Road. Work will continue tomorrow on main routes, including La Haule Hill, St Clement's Inner Road, and Grouville Hill.
Since midnight, emergency services have responded to more than 1,000 calls, many relating to non-life-threatening issues such as fallen trees. Islanders who find a tree down on a parish road or a private road should contact the relevant parish or the land owner. The public are asked to avoid using countryside and coastal footpaths until they have been properly assessed for safety by the Natural Environment Team, as many will have fallen branches/trees or have suffered water damage.
If it's safe to do so, Islanders are also asked to check on neighbours, friends, and family members, particularly the elderly and those who are vulnerable. Some households have been affected by power outages and a loss of mobile phone services. Operators are working remotely to restore services and will complete on-site visits when it's safe to do so.
The Hospital Emergency Department remains open as usual for life threatening, serious illnesses, or injury, but Government-run schools will remain closed on Friday 3 November, as will Government sports facilities, parks, Jersey Library, Jersey Youth Service and Liberte House (although critical services for CAMHS and CSC will remain available).
Government car parks remain free of charge throughout Friday 3 November.
Customer and Local Services and Revenue Jersey are both open from 8:30am to 5pm providing a full phone and online service.
Futher information on support and services can be found on gov.je - Storm Ciarán: advice and updates (gov.je)