30 March 2023
A temporary Chief Officer has been appointed for Health and Community Services. The
appointment has been agreed by the States Employment Board.
Chris Bown, who is currently leading the HCS Change Team, will take up his new role as
temporary Chief Officer on 1 April on a 12-month, full-time, fixed-term basis. The
recruitment process to replace Mr Bown as lead of the HCS Change Team will begin
The appointment follows the announcement earlier this month of the resignation of the
Chief Officer of Health and Community Services, Caroline Landon. Ms Landon leaves her
role on Friday 31 March 2023.
The States Employment Board also agreed for the recruitment process to begin for an
interim Chief Nurse. This follows the announcement earlier this month of the resignation of
the Chief Nurse, Rose Naylor.
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Karen Wilson said: “I am pleased the
States Employment Board has approved a temporary Chief Officer and an interim Chief
Nurse for Health and Community Services. These are crucial roles in the Island’s health
service, and we will be commencing the process for permanent recruitment.
“I welcome Chris Bown to the department as the temporary Chief Officer. Chris will now
work with myself and officers to continue the programme of work already underway to
improve care and services for patients and to lead a talented and much valued workforce. I
would encourage senior nurse leaders in the Island to consider the position of interim
Chief Nurse as it offers a wonderful opportunity for development and the chance to bring
their skills and talent to the role.”
The Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore said: “Having spent the past three months
getting to know the organisation, Chris’s appointment provides stability to the senior team
at Health and Community Services. As the department’s temporary Chief Officer, Chris will
ensure that we continue to address the cultural issues within HCS and strive to deliver the
provision of high quality, safe, patient-centred care.”
Mr Bown is a health professional with more than 35 years’ experience, including 20 years
as CEO of healthcare providers in the UK along with advisory assignments in the UK and
the Caribbean. He has practical experience working within challenging environments,
leading organisations through significant change and service transformation to deliver
improvements for patients.
Mr Bown said: “I’m pleased that I have the opportunity to affect the important changes
needed to ensure the people of Jersey experience the very best in healthcare. Since I
started in Jersey at the beginning of the year I have been impressed with the commitment
and dedication of all staff that I have met. There is clearly a significant opportunity to bring
about positive change in HCS and I look forward to working with staff, Islanders, and
politicians to bring about these improvements.”