28 June 2023
Trinity School has been reviewed as part of the Jersey Schools Review Framework. The full report is
available online.
A team of four reviewers visited the school over three days between 23-25 May 2023. The team
was led by an experienced off-Island school reviewer.
During their visit, the review team visited lessons, examined pupils’ work across a range of subjects
and heard some children read, met with school leaders, held discussions with groups of pupils
about their views of school life, and considered the results of parent and staff surveys.
School reviews take place every three years and provide an evaluation of a school’s environment,
the behaviours and personal development of pupils, the school’s leadership, and the standards of
teaching, learning and achievement.
Reviews were piloted across Government of Jersey schools from 2016-2019. School reviews were
paused during the COVID-19 outbreak and were restarted this academic year. After each review,
the school, parents, and CYPES receive a short review of the findings, which is available online.
Head teacher of Trinity School, Katy McMahon, said: “I am privileged to work with a supportive and
committed team at Trinity School and I feel incredibly proud that their hard work and dedication
has been recognised by this review. I am also particularly pleased that our children were made to
feel part of the process and had the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions.”
All school reviews are available here.