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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Trinity, St John and St Mary speed limits reviewed

12 June 2023


Proposals to reduce the speed limits on specified roads in Trinity, St John, St Mary (and adjoining areas of St Lawrence and St Peter) have gone out to public consultation.

Islanders are being asked for their views on the potential changes, which would see reductions on roads including La Route d’Ebenezer, La Route des Issues, and La Route du Nord. In all, around 50 roads are affected. 

It follows similar speed limit reviews in recent years in St Clement and at Sion. 

The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Tom Binet, said: “We need to make sure speed limits are appropriate for each area, not too high and not too low. That’s why we’re asking Islanders, and particularly those living in these areas, to give us their feedback on potential changes. 

“We’re aware lowering limits isn’t always popular with motorists, but changing limits really can make things safer for cyclists and pedestrians. It’s important we listen to the concerns of residents on some of the smaller parish roads, and this anonymous survey will help make sure we get this right.” 

The consultation can be completed online, or paper versions relating to each parish can be collected from, and returned to, the relevant Parish Hall.

The roads being consulted upon are: La Rue D’Asplet, La Rue ès Picots, Le Grand Clos, La Rue des Croix, La Route de la TrinitĂ©, La Rue Guerdain, La Rue de la Petite Falaise, La Route d’Ebenezer, La Route du Nord, La Route du Mont Mado, La Route des Issues, La Route de la Mare Ballam, La Route de St Jean, La Rue de L’Etocquet, Les Clicquards, Le Pre des Chenes, Les Tuiles, Le Clos de L’École, La Route du Temple, La Rue de la Ville Guyon, Melbourne Park, Mont Mado Lane, North View, La Rue de Sorel, Les Charrières de Bonne Nuit, La Rue des Servais, La Rue des St Germains, La Verte Rue, La Rue de la Rosière, Le Petit Clos, Le Clos de l’Arsenal, La Rue du Rondin, La Rue de la Frontière, La Grande Rue, La Rue es Viberts, La Rue du Douet, Le Chemin des Hougues, La Chève Rue, La Rue Ă  Georges, La Rue ès Boeufs, La Rue Bechervaise, Le Mont Remon, La Rue du Couvent, and Le Jardin du Couvent. The consultation runs until 28 July 2023. 

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