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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Update on the Engagement and Information Improvement Review

17 June 2023


The Government of Jersey has published an update on its Engagement and Information Improvement Review which shows that of 44 detailed recommendations 16 have been completed, 27 are outstanding but on track with only one designated outstanding.

Originally Action 2 of the Government’s 100 Day Plan, the review was led by Deputy Lucy Stephenson, Assistant Chief Minister for Communications, and authored by The Chief Statistician and Director of Statistics and Analytics, and the Director of Communications. 

It asked how Islanders can better engage with government, what information is available to the public and how government can improve. The report included recommendations in the following areas: 

  • Ministerial decisions
  • Policy related information
  • Statistics and analytics
  • Communications activities
  • Website/IT 

Deputy Stephenson said: "I am encouraged by the progress made on the recommendations made in the Engagement and Information Improvement Review. Good communication by Government, both internally and externally, is in all of our interests. Islanders have a right to know how public money is being spent and the basis for the decisions that are being taken on their behalf. 

“I am pleased that officers have progressed these actions within existing resources, although redevelopment of the website would require Government Plan funding. I am confident that the shared vision of improving openness and transparency will ensure that more of these recommendations are completed in a timely fashion as good communication ensures the Government can be held to account, facilitates discussion, drives improvements, and ensures that people are informed and able to influence policy at all levels.”

The one recommendation designated outstanding is on pause due to considerations being given to the Cabinet Office and the updated review can be read online.

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