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Update on tree clearance work following Storm Ciarán

01 December 2023


Please find below some updates on the ongoing work to clear paths and parks following Storm Ciarán: 

  • The St Peter's Valley path and the Perquage Path from Sandybrook to La Route de la Haule are both back open following the clearance of fallen trees.
  • The Railway Walk remains closed but significant progress has been made in the clearance work, particularly on the section from Don Bridge to Corbiere. There were a lot more fallen trees near Corbiere than originally thought. Work to clear the section between St Aubin and Don Bridge is due to begin next week.
  • At Churchill Park the western side has been cleared of debris and hanging branches and the path from Park Estate to the Woodford car park is open. The eastern side of the park remains closed and the parish steps are blocked by fallen trees. These are expected to be cleared in the next fortnight.
  • Work to reopen the two playgrounds at Coronation Park will start next week. Depending on the availability of heavy machinery, it's hoped the eastern end of the park will be open in a few weeks' time.
  • Tree surgery works will start at Howard Davis Park next week. It's currently anticipated the park will be able to reopen in mid-December. Part of the park is expected to reopen for the Enchanted Christmas Tree Maze Experience event.
  • Clearance of fallen trees is getting underway at Mount Bingham Park. There's around three weeks' worth of work. It remains closed as the paths are blocked.
  • St Catherine's Woods – closed. 

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