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Victoria College Preparatory School review report published

09 June 2023


Victoria College Prep has been reviewed as part of the Jersey Schools Review Framework. The full report is available online. 

School reviews take place every three years and provide an evaluation of a school’s environment, the behaviours and personal development of pupils, the school’s leadership, and the standards of teaching, learning and achievement. 

Reviews were piloted across Government of Jersey schools from 2016-2019. School reviews were paused during the COVID-19 outbreak, and were restarted this academic year. After each review, the school, parents, and CYPES receive a short review of the findings, which is available online. 

The Victoria College Preparatory School review visit took place on 2-4 May, and was conducted by a review team made up of five people. The review team included an experienced off-Island reviews, and colleagues from Jersey school. 

During their visit, the team looked at pupils’ work win a range of subjects, visited lessons, held meetings staff, leaders, and groups of children. The reviewers also considered parent and staff responses to school surveys. 

The VCP report is available here.

All school reviews are available online: 

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