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Vision unveiled for vibrant Jersey markets

13 October 2023


An exciting vision for revitalised, vibrant markets at the heart of St Helier has been laid out by the Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Tom Binet, at a meeting with traders. 

The Minister has, today (13 October), published the Jersey Markets Revitalisation Project Update, which sets the vision for the markets to be positioned as vibrant and inclusive – the social and commercial hub of the town – as the centrepiece of the new and improved public realm. 

The update outlines plans to achieve the vision, which include more events, increased al fresco dining, and better signposting. 

It also details steps already taken in 2023, which include the creation of a new traders’ representative group, evening opening trials, and fresh branding. 

 A new website has been launched at alongside social media channels on Instagram and Facebook @JerseyMarketsOfficial.

The Project Update follows a report from independent consultants The Retail Group, produced last year and also published today, which made a series of recommendations on how the Central Market and Fish Market could be improved. 

The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Tom Binet, said: “The markets should be the jewel in the crown of St Helier and are long overdue for some attention. We’ve carefully considered the recommendations of The Retail Group report and we’re now taking the next steps to make sure the Jersey Markets have a bright and exciting future. 

“I’ve spent time speaking to the tenants at length to understand their big issues and want to work with them to create thriving markets at the centre of improved public realm. Islanders are supportive of the markets and want to see them buzzing with activity, and we acknowledge that the consumer experience needs to improve. 

“I want to see the markets alive with events and retail entertainment. We’re already looking at extended opening hours, perhaps a new performance area for live entertainment, ways in which we can introduce more seating within the current layout, and how we can allocate space to business start-ups.” 

The Retail Group’s Jersey Markets Strategic Review suggested focussing on: 

  • Improving the external presence, appeal and visibility of the Jersey Markets. 
  • Securing the future of the Fish Market. 
  • Improving the customer experience. 
  • Improving the marketing and promotion. 
  • Improving the working relationships between traders, management and landlord. 
  • Making it easier for new entrants to trade. 
  • Developing a new leasing strategy focussed on proactive development of the Markets.

The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Deputy Kirsten Morel, said: “Our ambition is to create an attractive and dynamic retail sector, and The Retail Group’s report and recommendations have been a useful foundation for setting the vision and direction for revitalising this important part of town. 

 â€śLeading markets elsewhere are taking proactive steps to enhance their experience for consumers. They offer more events, entertainment and pop-up businesses, but also promote them extensively on social media, dedicated websites and through other marketing channels. 

“Similar trading pressures have been experienced at markets across the UK and Europe, and we are taking the experiences from elsewhere to improve our markets.” 

The reports and vision were shared with tenants at a meeting at the Société Jersiaise yesterday afternoon, and have been published this morning on

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