16 October 2023
The Chief Minister has today (Monday 16 October) signed a Ministerial Decision enabling
the title Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture to be changed to
Minister for Sustainable Economic Development.
The name change does not make any difference to the statutory roles and responsibilities
of the office but is being made to ensure the title best reflects the role of the Minister,
which is to develop an Island economy which prospers over the long-term, providing
constant economic growth within the social and environmental constraints of the Island.
The change does not mean that tourism, sport and culture are lesser priorities. The role
already includes sectors that are not mentioned in the titles such as agriculture, marine and
digital, all of which are equal priorities to tourism, sport and culture.
“This is an important change, as the overall priority for the economic development of our
Island is that the economy should flourish long into the future,” said the Minister for
Sustainable Economic Development, Deputy Kirsten Morel.
“By highlighting the focus on sustainable economic development, I and future ministers
will be focused on the long-term and on building an economy that works within the
Island’s social and environmental limitations.
“This change reflects the aims of the Future Economy Programme, which seeks to develop
an economy that works for all Islanders and the Island itself by leveraging technology, our
own environmental resources and everyone who lives here – all of whom contribute their
hard work, talents and knowledge in different ways to deliver the high standard of living
that we all enjoy and want to continue enjoying across generations.”
The Ministerial Decision has been presented to the States today. It will be finalised after a
14-day notice period and will come into effect seven days later.