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St Saviour’s School review report published

30 March 2023


St Saviour’s School has been reviewed as part of the Jersey Schools Review Framework. The full review report has been shared with the school community, and has been published online today. 

The school was reviewed over the course of three days, as part of a programme of regular school review visits. School review visits have restarted this academic year, following a pause during COVID. 

During the visit, the team visited lessons and reviewed work from a range of year groups, and across a range of subjects. The team also spoke with staff and pupils about their experience of the school, and reviewed policies and school planning documents. 

School reviews take place every three years, and each review considers four main areas: the school environment; the effectiveness of the school’s leadership; the behaviour and personal development of pupils, and the standards of teaching, learning and achievement.

Headteacher of St Saviour’s School, Kirstie Williams said: “I’d like to thank the reviewers for their professionalism, and the whole school team for their hard work in supporting the review process. I am pleased that the review highlighted the quality relationships between staff and pupils, the high levels of care and our provision for students with Special Education Needs and Disabilities. 

“I’d also like to thank colleagues at CYPES for their continued support of the school. The process and recommendations from this review will support us, as a school, in further improving the quality education offer for pupils at St Saviour’s.”

Following each review, the school, parents and CYPES receive a short report of the findings, which will be available on the Jersey Schools Review Framework webpage. Parents can also visit the page to watch videos and read factsheets in English, Polish and Portuguese and find out more about the process.

The full report is available online.

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