09 November 2023
The Jersey Independent Taskforce on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) has announced the publication of their research findings and recommendations, which uncover the harsh reality of violence against women and girls in
the Island.
This comprehensive report is a result of in-depth research, bringing together the
experiences of victim-survivors, young people, professionals, and the broader public in
Jersey to shed light on a critical issue, many aspects of which have long remained in the
shadows. It represents a significant milestone in Jersey's commitment to addressing
violence against women and girls.
The VAWG Taskforce is made up of a diverse range of stakeholders who all hold a key role
in addressing violence against women and girls in Jersey. It includes representatives from
specialist support services, criminal justice, health and social care, education, and
community support services.
The Taskforce has revealed alarming statistics and testimony from victim-survivors, young
people and the general public that demands immediate attention.
Nearly all respondents to the public survey reported having experienced at least one form
of sexual harassment in their lifetime. One in four respondents had undergone the ordeal
of rape or attempted rape.
The Independent Chair of the Taskforce, Kate Wright said: "This report is a shocking
revelation of the extent and nature of violence experienced by women and girls in Jersey. I
wish to thank those brave victim-survivors who have endured painful abuse and trauma yet
chose to share their experiences to help us understand and confront these serious issues
“It is testament to the courage of our daughters, sisters, mothers, partners, friends, and
colleagues who have endured unthinkable violence, abuse, harassment or been failed by
our systems that should have protected them. By giving a voice to their experiences, we
hope to spark a wave of change that will lead to real and lasting transformation."
The report exposes significant gaps in Jersey's current legislation which make it more
difficult for the criminal justice system to protect victim-survivors and effectively manage
It underscores the necessity of independent reviews of Jersey’s criminal justice system and
family court to build transparency and accountability.
The Taskforce has laid out clear and specific recommendations for change, including the
need to address immigration policies that can compound the violence experienced by
women who have not resided on the Island for five years.
It also highlights the urgent need for specialist counselling support for victim-survivors,
which is currently extremely limited and detrimental to their long-term recovery.
In instances where these recommendations are not adopted, the Taskforce insists on a
public explanation for this inaction, along with alternative proposals for action.
Such transparency is crucial for building public trust and confidence in the commitment of
Jersey's institutions to tackling violence against women and girls.
Kate Wright added: "The findings of this report are a wake-up call to issues that affect
many women and girls and that we can no longer ignore. As a community, we have a
moral obligation to address these issues swiftly and decisively. To achieve the aims of the
Taskforce, it was essential that the voices of women and girls should be at the centre of
our work and that these voices were listened to without prejudice.
“Women and girls deserve to feel safe no matter where they are, whether that be at their
place of education or at work, in public spaces, at home or online. However, the Taskforce’s
research shows that this is not the reality for many women and girls in Jersey.”
The report represents the beginning of a much larger piece of work to address the issues
of violence against women and girls in Jersey and prioritise the safety of women and girls
across the Island.