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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

2024 Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey launched

06 June 2024

This year's Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (JOLS) has been launched. Statistics Jersey run the survey every year to understand Islanders’ experiences and views, helping the government to plan and deliver public services. 

This year’s survey covers important topics that affect us all such as the cost of living, wellbeing and health. 

Over the next few days, 3,500 randomly selected households will receive an invitation in the post to take part in the online survey. 

The survey is easy to complete online on a range of devices, including smartphones, tablets and laptops. The responses are completely confidential and are only used to produce grouped statistics. 

To make sure there is a good mix of ages responding, the survey asks the person in the household who has their birthday next (and is aged 16 or over) to complete the survey.

Chief Statistician Ian Cope commented: "This survey is an invaluable source of information to help us understand Islanders' experiences and opinions. I'd really encourage everyone who receives the survey to take part. Take this opportunity to have your say and help us understand life from your perspective. 

"I would like to reassure everyone that all responses to the survey are anonymous and protected by law." 

The results of the survey will be published later this year. Previous questionnaires and reports can be found at​.​​

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