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Government of

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Demolition at Overdale complete to make way for Acute Hospital

14 November 2024


​Demolition of the dilapidated, unused and former healthcare buildings at Overdale is complete, as work progresses towards the construction of a new Acute Hospital – the first major new building in the New Healthcare Facilities Programme. 

Jersey Demolition Contractors, JDC, who started demolition at the Overdale site in December 2023, have used a phased approach to safely remove more than 20 buildings and associated structures. 

Since demolition started, JDC has: 

  • Crushed approximately 12,000 cubic metres of rubble on site for reuse in the development of the Acute facility 
  • Recycled more than 4,000 cubic metres of materials from the site, preventing unnecessary landfill. 

Work to give back to the community is a priority for the New Healthcare Facilities Programme. This has been fully embraced by JDC who has, amongst other social value, added: 

  • More than 200 hours volunteering towards biodiversity at Overdale, including planting and replacing hedgerows that were damaged by Storm CiarĂĄn 
  • Sub-contracted work as part of the demolition project to at least 10 local companies 
  • Provided more than 300 hours of training and development as part of the Overdale demolition contract, enhancing the knowledge and skills of the existing workforce 
  • Employed 6 people facing barriers or challenges to employment to work on site 
  • More than ÂŁ13,000 worth of charitable donations from the site, including timber donations to local charities to support the circular economy. 

The first and second phases of demolition works commenced following the successful transfer of outpatient services from Overdale to the Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre in summer 2023, and the third phase following the relocation of SamarĂšs Ward to St Ewold’s Residential and Care Home in May 2024. During all the works, JDC monitored noise and dust, and worked hard to minimise environmental impacts on neighbours, including the Crematorium. 

Next steps 

Subject to the approval of the recently submitted Planning Application and continued support of States Members in the upcoming Budget debate – when the funding for Phase 1 of the Programme will be determined – construction of the Acute facility is expected to start in 2025, with completion anticipated by the end of 2028. 

Site works at Overdale, including hoardings, clearance and other development works, are scheduled to continue in the coming months. The purpose of these next works are to continue to make progress where it is prudent to do so, providing opportunities for the construction industry, and making it easier for a Main Works Delivery Partner to begin more complex construction as soon as possible. 

The procurement process to secure a Main Works Delivery Partner for the main hospital building and ancillary infrastructure has begun, ensuring that a contractor will be ready to begin permanent groundwork once regulatory approvals are in place and conditions discharged. A Prior Information Notice, signalling the start of more formal market engagement was issued last month. The tender process will commence with a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire before the end of 2024. 

Work continues to be underway to define the Kensington Place Ambulatory and St Saviour’s Health Village projects in greater detail, and there will be early physical works at both sites in 2025. 

The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Tom Binet, said: “I am very pleased that we have marked yet another important milestone for the Programme with the completion of the demolition contract at Overdale. Islanders have been long overdue modern healthcare facilities, and while the road to get to this stage has been long, we are now witnessing real, tangible progress. 

“In the weeks and months ahead, I am confident that States Members will make the right decision by approving the budget for Phase 1 of the Programme, and that the Planning Committee will grant the project the necessary approvals, especially given the approvals already in place for the previous scheme. With their support, we can finally look forward to a ‘spade in the ground’ on this long-awaited project next year.

“Finally, I would like to thank Jersey Demolition Contractors who have been an exemplary partner in getting us to this stage. I would also like to extend my thanks to neighbours and the Crematorium for their collaborative efforts with the Programme team and JDC during the demolition process.” 

The Minister for Infrastructure, ConnĂ©table Andy Jehan, said: “To facilitate demolition, I am very pleased that alternative and improved facilities for rehabilitation services at the Parish of St Helier’s St Ewold’s Residential Home was identified. 

“Islanders will remember that I fought hard for the facilities in Westmount Centre to be re-opened, and the new facility at St Ewold’s represented a good alternative. The removal of the former buildings has cleared the way for a new chapter of healthcare facilities to be built at Overdale, and I look forward to construction commencing next year.”​


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