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Jersey greenhouse gas emissions statistics for 2022 released

31 May 2024


Jerseyā€™s greenhouse gas emissions fell by 47% between 1990 and 2022, newly-published statistics in the annual emissions inventory show. 

The latest dataset, which estimates emissions from a wide range of activities, found Jersey emitted 350,532 tCo2e of greenhouse gases in 2022, down from 360,669 tCo2e in 2021.

Transport remains the biggest sector, accounting for 45% of Jerseyā€™s emissions. Alongside the data, which is published on, is a new Guide to the Jersey Greenhouse Gas Inventoryā€‹

Globally, the annual inventory statistics are always released two years in arrears because of the complexity of the data and the required detailed analysis. 

Improvements to the methodology are made annually, based on international best practice, and are applied to all the existing data for previous years, dating back to 1990.

The figures in the inventory are produced by independent organisation Aether.ā€‹

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