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Minister for Housing announces changes to eligibility for social housing

13 March 2024

The Minister for Housing, Deputy Sam MĂ©zec, has announced changes to make it easier for younger people without children to qualify for social housing in Jersey.  

The age at which an applicant can access social housing will be lowered from 35 to 30 with effect from Wednesday 13 March. â€Ż 

In addition, maximum annual income thresholds for applicants who require a one-bed home will be increased to ÂŁ38,818 for single applicants and to ÂŁ52,462 for joint applicants.   

This is in accordance with the Roadmap for improving access to social housing in Jersey​ which was published last July by the former Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy David Warr, and outlined series of steps to widen access to social housing and improve the way it is managed and promoted. 

The new measures follow changes to age and income restrictions that widened eligibility for social housing in September 2023, when the age at which a person could apply for social housing without children was lowered from 40 to 35, and maximum income thresholds for those requiring two- to four-bedroom homes were raised. It is planned to lower the age further to 25 later in the year. 

The Minister for Housing, Deputy Sam Mézec, said: “I am pleased to announce these changes to expand eligibility for social housing to more young people. A key aspect of resolving our housing crisis is to ensure that all Islanders who need it are supported into affordable housing. Until now, younger people without children have had no choice but to pay high rents in the private sector, and potentially live in rental stress, because they were excluded from accessing social housing.

“Because of the brilliant work of Andium in developing more homes, we are now in a position to be able to offer social housing to more Islanders, without overwhelming the waiting lists. As even more new homes are delivered, I am hopeful we can continue to widen the eligibility criteria, so social housing can be a tenure of choice across our community for all who need it.”​

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