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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Nursery Education Fund approved for next four years

26 April 2024

The Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning, Deputy Rob Ward, has confirmed the Nursery Education Fund (NEF) rate for the next four years. From September 2024, the rate increases to ÂŁ8.30 per child, per hour. This equates to a total increase of ÂŁ980.40 per child. 

Children in their pre-school year are currently offered 30 hours of funded nursery provision, a crucial part of the Government’s early years offer. Parents have the choice of school or private nurseries to benefit from this provision. 

Deputy Ward said: "My commitments in the Common Strategic Policy clearly indicate the importance of a thriving early years sector that provides excellent early education and childcare. We can only deliver this with all providers in this sector working enthusiastically and collaboratively for the benefit of young children and their families. 

"Confirming funding for the next four years also provides the foundation on which we can continue the positive discussions for extending nursery and childcare provision to all 2 and 3- year-olds. 

"By agreeing a multi-year deal, linked to inflation, we not only preserve the value of this offer for families and providers, but we enable greater financial certainty, allowing providers to plan ahead. This enables us to move our focus from discussions about prices, to focus on how we can really strengthen the support for families and young children in Jersey."

Belinda Lewis, Chair of Jersey Early Years Association (JEYA) said: "On behalf of the members of the Jersey Early Years Association, I would like to acknowledge the commitment to the early years sector from the Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning. Understanding the financial framework for the next few years will be crucial in our planning and our joint ambition to deliver the best childcare and early education to the island’s children."​

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