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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Repairs and Improvements to the Railway Walk

21 November 2024

The Government of Jersey is pleased to announce the completion of significant repairs and enhancements to the Railway Walk, following the damage caused by Storm Ciaran in November 2023. 

The storm caused widespread devastation, including fallen trees that required specialist equipment for clearance. This essential work left the path in a poor state of repair, necessitating a full resurfacing. An audit and condition survey of the path were conducted immediately after the tree clearance, and a contractor was appointed to reshape and resurface the entire length of the Railway Walk in Spring 2024. 

A follow-up condition survey in Autumn 2024 identified further areas for resurfacing, which has been addressed in November 2024. 

Improvements were also made to the access controls along the walk. Damage to the original bollards and chains at road crossing points provided an opportunity to introduce a more accessible solution. Heritage timber bollards, designed to complement the natural surroundings, have replaced the old features. These are chain-free and spaced to allow access for double buggies and non-standard cycles, enhancing usability for all. 

For more information about walking and cycling routes in Jersey, please visitā€‹.ā€‹

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