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Samarès School review report published

06 March 2024

Samarès School has been reviewed as part of the Jersey Schools Review Framework (JSRF).

A total of five reviewers, led by an experienced off-Island reviewer, visited the school between 30 January to 1 February and considered the school's behaviour policy and Jersey Premium strategy. They listened to pupils' reading, held discussions with staff and attended lessons in English, mathematics, PSHE, music, art, history, and Physical Education.

The report notes that the school benefits from strong and effective leadership and commends staff for their partnership work with outside agencies. It finds the school to be a safe and inviting environment, which has a positive impact on pupils' development and welfare. Children, parents, and staff feel valued, listened to, and supported.

Jenny Posner, Headteacher of Samarès School, said: "I'd like to thank every staff member for their support during the review process.

“Since arriving at Samarès two years ago, I have been proud of the developments by the whole staff team who ensure the children always remain our number one focus.

“The recommendations from this review will support us to continue improving the quality of education and outcomes for all our pupils."

​Full reports are available online:


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