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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Visitor Economy Strategy sets vision for industry

02 January 2024

A new Visitor Economy Strategy for Jersey has been published, setting out the long-term vision, goals and priorities that need to be addressed for the continuing success of the tourism and hospitality sectors in the Island.

​The strategy has been developed by the Government in partnership with the industry and other stakeholders and sets the vision for Jersey to be a “globally recognised, sustainable and enriching destination that Islanders are proud to share".

It sets four goals:

  • Growth of a vibrant, sustainable and productive visitor economy, increasing export revenues and supporting the delivery of the Future Economy Programme and its goals
  • Visibility: widening international awareness of “Brand Jersey", showcasing our unique and varied natural and cultural heritage
  • Community: securing a vibrant future for Jersey as a community, providing services and experiences that benefit Islanders and contribute to making Jersey an attractive place to live, work, and do business
  • Environment: putting sustainability and responsible tourism at the heart of our policies

The strategy defines the visitor economy and identities all the businesses sectors which are part of its success. It sets 48 policy priorities, grouped under the following eight strategic objectives:

  • Connectivity: We will support efforts to grow the existing route network and high-value air connectivity (in particular to Europe) through development of awareness of Jersey as a destination and development of our on-Island offering
  • Unlock investment in accommodation: We will unlock investment in critical infrastructure, in particular accommodation, to ensure its long-term viability and provide capacity to grow the whole Visitor Economy and support the growth of connectivity
  • Unlock investment in product: We will enable the development and renewal of a unique product and experience that benefits visitors and Islanders alike, and enables everyone to enjoy Jersey's cultural and natural assets in a way that works for them
  • Sustainability: We will make sure the growth of tourism and hospitality is sustainable – for our economy, our environment, and our community. We will showcase and protect our natural environment by putting responsible tourism at the heart of all our policies, and aligning with the Island's Carbon Neutral Roadmap
  • Build brand awareness: We will promote the Island internationally and develop its reputation through clear branding and destination positioning
  • Digitalisation & people: We will unlock the potential of digital skills and solutions to improve customer experiences, drive business productivity and harness the potential of data
  • Enabling regulatory framework: We will make sure Regulation and Governance is shaped in a way that enables the industry to achieve its goals and provides a supportive business environment
  • Working together: We will work collaboratively with stakeholders to deliver a world class experience for visitors

The Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, Deputy Kirsten Morel, said: “When we think about the visitor economy, many Islanders think of holidaymakers flying into Jersey and staying at hotels. But the visitor economy is much more than that, and includes all the events, experiences, businesses and people who serve and interact with visitors. It also includes all Islanders, whose spending on hospitality is so important, as well as people who are visiting friends and family, and business visitors.

“Implementing this strategy will require the efforts of not only Government but also the industry and other stakeholders. This will take time, but it is necessary if we are to achieve the goal of becoming a globally recognised, sustainable and enriching destination.

“We all have a part to play in the future of the industry, and that is an important message for all Islanders: you are part of the visitor economy and can contribute to its future."

A delivery plan will be developed in 2024 with associated actions for stakeholders and metrics, against which we will measure progress.


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