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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

West Park surface water sewer separation works

02 February 2024

Motorists are advised to prepare for delays around West Park as essential drainage work starts on Monday 5 February.

The work is expected to continue until 1 May and will take place on La Route de St Aubin (Inner Road), between West Park and Bay View Court.

To allow the work to be completed safely, sections of the westbound carriageway on La Route de St Aubin will be fenced off. Temporary traffic signals will be used throughout to control traffic flow and allow access to remain. However, motorists are advised to allow extra time for their journeys.

Surface water separation projects are designed to remove surface water (rainwater runoff from roads and roofs) from the foul drainage network. This will reduce pressure on the First Tower Pumping Station, the liquid waste network, and Bellozanne Sewage Treatment Works, in addition to increasing capacity for future network requirements for future housing needs, in line with the Bridging Island Plan.

ā€‹Residents in the area have already been contacted about the work.


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