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Launch of the Ramsar management plans

29 January 2025

New management plans have been published for Jersey’s four Ramsar sites. 

A Ramsar site is a wetland designated to be of international importance under the Ramsar Convention. The plans set out strategic aims and management objectives of those sites over the next five years, 2025-2029. 

Jersey’s Ramsar sites include: 

  • South-east coast of Jersey 
  • Les ÉcrĂ©hous and Les Dirouilles 
  • Les Minquiers 
  • Les Pierres de Lecq (the Paternosters) 

The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce, said: “The plans demonstrate our commitment to protecting Jersey’s unique wetland environments. Ramsar sites are internationally recognised for their ecological, cultural, and economic significance, and these new management plans outline clear objectives for the sustainable management, monitoring, and protection of these valuable areas. 

“I would like to extend a special thanks to the Jersey Ramsar Advisory Group for their contribution to the development of these plans.” 

For more information and to view the plans, visit: The Convention on Wetlands: Jersey’s Ramsar Sites​.​

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