27 February 2025
The latest update is that the Jersey Demolition Company, JDC, site visits have been taking place
this week to assess the stability and make preparations for the construction of the scaffolding,
as part of the first step in our four-step plan.
This highlights the complexity of the response needed to carry out the repairs, as investigations
continue into the stability of the building, affected by a burst water main.
Four-step plan
- first, we’re installing a steel strapping system to keep the building stable.
- then, a Geotechnical Engineer will check the soil conditions under the foundations.
- after that, we’ll move on to demolishing external structures, including boundary walls.
- and finally, we’ll keep reviewing timelines, but right now, we’re aiming to reopen after Easter.
Timeline update: 28 Clarendon Road
The owner of 28 Clarendon Road has been working with an engineering team and a
Geotechnical Engineer, to take action to ensure the building is made safe and restored
We want to thank the owner for working with all parties to come to the fastest possible
Next steps
- Step 1: Manufacture and install steel strapping system to stabilise the building.
- Step 2: Geotechnical Engineer to then assess soil conditions beneath the
- Step 3: The wider team can then proceed with necessary demolition of external
structures, including boundary walls affecting neighbouring properties.
- Step 4: We continue to monitor progress and review timelines for the safe reopening
of Rouge Bouillon, currently expected after the Easter holidays.
The project remains under constant review to ensure the best and safest outcome.
Rouge Bouillon continues to remain closed between Clarendon Road and Palmyra Road as
investigations continue into the stability of an adjacent building wall, affected by a burst water
The Government of Jersey is monitoring and facilitating ongoing meetings held with all relevant
stakeholders to ensure public safety. These include Highways, Network Management,
Drainage, Building Control, Jersey Water, CYPES and other key parties, alongside property
owners impacted by the issue.
Current status with investigatory and repair work
- private parties, residents and private owners, responsible for the affected buildings are
undertaking detailed investigations and repair work, which are expected to take some
- The situation is highly complex with several adjacent walls and buildings that are unsafe
and severely cracked
- Multiple parties are involved, including Infrastructure and Environment, Jersey
Water, structural engineers, building surveyors, loss adjustors, and insurance
Alternative routes and safety assurance
We have considered other options to manage the traffic around the closure however, the
decision to retain the current traffic arrangement is based on the following factors:
- reversing Clarendon Road poses additional safety risks for residents and pedestrians
- allowing right-turn access onto Clarendon Road from Val Plaisant could cause severe
traffic congestion, particularly near the Gyratory
- reversing Midvale Road, while potentially useful, would necessitate signal junction
changes, creating confusion, complications, and further safety concerns.
We advise the traveling public to continue to avoid the area and use alternative routes to
access town where possible.
Public impact
We understand that the closure has significant impacts on daily travel and local businesses.
The road will only reopen once the buildings are stabilised and all risks of structural collapse
have been mitigated.
Next steps
A further update on the situation will be provided in seven days.