12 February 2025
Local charities and organisations will be able to apply for grants from the Government of Jersey
of up to £5,000 from Monday 3 March to Friday 4 April.
The Connect Me: Connecting Our Communities Grant Scheme aims to build a more connected
and healthier community by providing funding for projects that promote participation in arts,
culture and physical activities.
Since its start in 2022, the scheme has supported 159 different projects, benefitting over 40,000
Islanders. The scheme fosters collaboration between local charities and helps create a sense
of community by increasing the wellbeing of Islanders through arts and physical activities.
Organisations that have previously benefited from the scheme include; CYPES – Jersey Youth
Choir, The Shelter Trust – Walking Football and EYECAN – Accessible Swimming for All.
Each project will be evaluated by a panel based on the objective outlined below:
- to engage a large cross section of the Jersey community in arts and/or physical activity
aimed at enhancing sustainable wellbeing over the next two years
- to increase participation in the arts and/or physical activity across the whole
- to provide a means for Government to progress towards the delivery of the strategic
objectives outlined in:
- Common Strategic Policy
- Government Plan
- Arts Strategy
- Heritage Strategy
- Inspiring an Active Jersey Strategy
- Cancer Strategy
- Disability Strategy
- Dementia Strategy or any other health and wellbeing related strategies and policies
- to stimulate the creative economy by providing coordinated work for creatives and arts
- to cooperate with other organisations, where possible, in delivery of the project
- new applicants will have precedence over repeat projects supported.
Organisations that have received funding from the Connect Me scheme are also showcased on
Elemental, an online social prescribing platform. Elemental allows healthcare professionals to
refer patients to community programs and services that can help them improve their health and
wellbeing. Islanders also have the flexibility to self-refer or seek assistance from a link worker.
Applicants can apply via the online application form.
For further information or if you have any questions regarding the application please
email connectme@gov.je.