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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey Construction Council Awards

Good morning - Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today.

It’s always a pleasure to be part of this annual celebration of the work of Jersey’s construction industry.
There is a lot to celebrate: this industry is one of Jersey’s success stories, and you should be rightly proud of what has been achieved.
At the moment, the Government is investing in several major projects which are not only enhancing our island’s infrastructure but also generating good quality work for the construction industry. Government is investing – and you are building – several projects right now. They include:

  • the ÂŁ45m construction of the new Les Quennevais school
  • Grainville Phase 5
  • the refurbishment of St Mary’s School
  • the liquid waste treatment plant
  • Jersey Development Company construction at the Waterfront, College Gardens and the International Finance Centre
  • a significant programme of new build and refurbishment by Andium Homes

In the pipeline there are other housing and office schemes, and there is investment in Fort Regent.
And later this week, the Chief Minister will announce what the process will be for the construction of the new hospital for Jersey.

We have seen a growing confidence in this sector in recent years.
Jersey’s overall labour market is the most buoyant that it has ever been. In December of last year, total employment was at 60,900 - the highest December figure recorded to date.
That total was one thousand one hundred higher than in the previous December. And more than one in ten of those new jobs was in the construction sector.
Jobs in construction and quarrying increased by 180 last year, driven by an increase in full-time jobs, while part-time and zero hours jobs decreased.
That, to me, indicates a confident industry.

The Government continues to look to the long term growth of the economy … while fulfilling the island’s housing needs … Our Chief Minister has said Housing is one of this government’s top priorities, and the Council of Ministers has committed to securing a consistent supply of good quality, affordable homes as well as to improving the quality of rented homes.
To this end we have established The Housing Policy Development Board to examine the housing market in Jersey and to develop comprehensive proposals that improve the supply, affordability, access to, and standard of housing in the island.
This Government investment is not only in our island. It is also in the skills and talent of the construction industry - Talent which will be recognised in the awards that are being launched this morning.
We continue to support Skills Jersey. Recently, a four-day course entitled Budding Technicians introduced students to a variety of tasks. That will be the first step on what will be a rewarding career in the construction industry.
Saboohi Famili - the Director of Young People, Further Education, Skills and Learning – is an engineer herself, and she is encouraging collaboration between Highlands College, Skills Jersey and private providers to help create opportunities for young people - and especially young women - to explore their interests and aspirations in the industry. That is something that I fully support.
And finally - these Jersey Construction Council Awards are a great way to showcase the high quality work of all your members. 
Last year we celebrated the award-winning redevelopment of Charing Cross, which included the construction of the Premier Inn Hotel and regeneration of Pitt Street.
I look forward to seeing who will be this year’s winner – I encourage you all to get involved and wish you the very best of luck.

Thank you

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