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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Important open space (policy BE8)

Across the Island, there are areas of open space considered important in terms of their role in the character and quality of the built environment due to their varying: 

  • size
  • form 
  • quality

The 2002 Island Plan aims to protect these important spaces from development under the terms of policy BE8.

Further sites

The sites protected by policy BE8 are identified on the Island proposals map and the town proposals map. A number of further sites have been afforded protection under policy BE8, as listed below. The Island proposals map and the town proposals map will be amended accordingly to identify the new policy regime applicable to these sites.

All of the sites below are shown on maps (map numbers are identified in brackets). All maps are dated 31 March 2005 and are available from Planning and Building Services.

List of important open space

The following sites within the built-up areas have been designated as ‘important open space’ by the States on 05 July 2002:

  • 2 public amenity areas in Clos de l’Arsenal, St Mary (map 2)
  • 4 public amenity areas in Ville du Bocage, St Peter (map 3)
  • 2 amenity areas either side of the entrance to Ville de l’Eglise, Rue de l’Eglise, St Peter (map 4) 
  • 2 amenity areas at La Grande Piece, St Peter (map 5)
  • Field 986, Sandybrook Residential Home, St Peter (map 6)
  • public amenity and children’s play area, Sion Village, Sion, St John (map 7)
  • Mont Nicolle School playing field (Field 245), Mont Nicolle, St Brelade (map 8)
  • 2 public amenity areas to the south of Clos d’Avoine, St Brelade (map 9)
  • Holy Trinity Parish Church yard and cemetery, Rue ès Picots, Trinity (map 11/1)
  • amenity area at Les Maisons Cabot, Rue ès Picots, Trinity (map 12)
  • planted amenity areas to east of Howard Davis Farm, Route de la Trinitè, Trinity (map 13)
  • 2 amenity areas at Le Bourg, Grande Route de La Cote, St Clement (map 14)
  • amenity / children’s play area, Clos de L’Abri, St Clement (map 15) 
  • public amenity area, Clos de Mont Sejour, Rue de la Hauteur, St Helier (map 16)
  • Haute Vallée School playing fields, St Helier (map 17)
  • amenity area off Jardin du Hogard, Maufant, St Martin (map 18)
  • Le Cemetière de la Croix, Rue à Don, Grouville (map 19)
  • amenity area, Le Bernage Estate, Longueville Road, St Saviour (map 20)



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