​About the Bridging Island Plan
The Island Plan is hugely important for Jersey. It sets out how, as a community, we'll:
- create homes
- strengthen our economy
- protect and improve our environment
- provide for a good quality of life
- enhance what’s special about our island
Under Jersey’s plan-led system, it's the primary consideration in any planning-related decision making.
The policies of the Island Plan have been carefully formulated to achieve the sustainable development of the island with a balance between social, environmental, and economic considerations.
This plan is formed of 4 volumes. Each volume is broken into chapters which share a common theme and address a set of issues through a series of policies and proposals. The policies do not stand in isolation and should be read together, with other relevant policies and the proposals. Each of the policies in the plan is supported by a written justification that explains the considerations that have applied in developing the policy and how it should be used.
Policies are shown in bold type, within a blue box and are identifiable by a policy number and specific title. Proposals are found in a green box. The proposals map shows the spatial aspects of policies across the island and out to territorial limits.
The Bridging Island Plan covers a 3-year plan period, 2022 to 2025. After this period a new longer-term plan will be put in place.
The Bridging Island Plan
Read the full
Bridging Island Plan (13MB).
Bridging Island Plan by volume and chapter
Volume 1: Introduction and strategic proposals
Introduction and strategic proposals
Volume 2: Strategic policy framework
Strategic policies
Volume 3: Managing development
General development
Natural environment
Historic environment
Managing emissions
Community infrastructure
Travel and transport
Minimising waste and environmental risk
Utilities and strategic infrastructure
Minerals extractions and solid waste disposal
Volume 4: Performance and delivery
Performance framework
Appendix 1: Affordable housing sites
Affordable housing sites
Proposal maps
You can access an interactive version of the Proposals Maps, which includes ILSCA and Urban Character Appraisal.
Bridging Island Plan 2022 to 2025 - Interactive web map
The map contains a large amount of data and may take some time to open.
Note that:
the map left-hand panel contains the legend of the map's features
map features can be switched on and off. Select the eye shape next to the feature on the right-hand side panel
you can zoom in and out of the map using the plus and minus buttons in the upper left-hand corner
information about character areas and types can be found under the 'Additional Data Layers' tab. You'll need to turn this on to view it. This includes Integrated Landscape and Seascape Character Appraisal and the St Helier Urban Character Appraisal
selecting any point of the map generates pop-ups containing information about the Bridging Island Plan policies, listing and SSI designation and character area or type that is applicable to that point. Each piece of information is presented on a separate page (for example, 1 of 4). To see the relevant information, select through each page using the arrows in top right-hand side of the pop-up
you can search the map using road names only. Enter a road name in the upper left-hand corner to search the map
Proposals Maps as PDF files
Jersey Proposal Map A Planning Zones (19MB)
Jersey Proposal Map B Flood Risk (20MB)
Town Proposal Map A Planning Zones (9MB)
Town Proposal Map B Flood Risk (8MB)