​Request a building control site inspection
To request a site inspection, you can fill out the online form below.
It's an offence not give us notice at the stages listed in the inspection framework accompanying the building permit. You may be fined or your work can be removed.​
Request a buil​ding inspection​​
Information you need to have
When requesting an inspection, you'll need to provide the following information:
the building permit number, for example B/2016/0001
project address
type of inspection or stage of work
the date you want the inspection
Structural Engineers Registration (SER) certificates​​
If you need a SER, you'll need to submit this before any work starts.
Site inspection framework and notice periods
​​Before undertaking building work, you should get a copy of the site inspection framework from the building permit holder.
If you need to speak to your inspector contact the Building Control Inspection.
You can find the notice period needed for each stage of inspection below.
​Commencement of work | ​2 days |
​Excavation for a foundation | ​1 day |
​Foundation concrete | ​1 day |
​Oversite preparation and reinforcement | ​1 day |
​Damp proof course laid and damp proof membrane | ​1 day |
​Drains ready for inspection | ​1 day |
​Roof structure and structural members prior to covering up | ​1 day |
​Occupation if proposed before completion | ​5 days before |
​Completion | ​2 days