​Planning permission
Installing a ground or air-source heating system will not require planning permission, provided:
- the property is not registered as a listed building or place (LBP) or a potential listed building or place (pLBP)
- in the case of an air pump where the installation is to be located on a principal elevation the building is not in a conservation area (CA)
- the highest point of the installation must be no more than 2.5 metres above ground level
- where the works are on agricultural land the depth of every pipe must be more than 1 metre below ground level. Any top soil removed for the purpose of installation must be re-instated to the original land level
- no previous permit states that permission is required
Is my building or site listed?
Generating energy (environment and greener living section)
Making an application - planning
Building permission
You will not need to make a building application to install a ground or air source heat pump:
- provided that the work is undertaken by a person who is registered under an approved scheme to undertake such work
- this department must be notified at completion of the work by the approved scheme provider
You should also receive a certificate of bye-law compliance from the scheme provider.
Approved schemes for certifiable building work
What if I want to use a non-registered installer to undertake the work?
If you choose not to use a person registered under an approved scheme, you will need to make a building application directly to this department.
B1 building permission application form