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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Windows, doors and sunpipes (permissions)

​Planning permission

Replacing existing windows or doors

You can replace any existing window, dormer, skylight or door at any level, on any elevation without the need for planning permission provided that:

  • the building is not registered as a listed building or place (LBP) or potentially listed building or place (pLBP) or lies within a conservation area (CA)

  • there is no condition on a previous planning permit which states that an application will be required 

  • the replacement is the same dimensions and in the same location as that which is being replaced

Creating new windows or doors

You do not need planning permission for the creation of new windows or doors, alterations of doors to windows and windows to doors provided that:

  • they are at ground level

  • they do not create or widen a means of access to a road

  • the building is not registered as a listed building or place (LBP) or a potentially listed building or place (pLBP), or within a conservation area (CA)

Blocking up and reducing windows or doors

You do not need planning permission to block up or reduce the size of windows or doors provided that:

  • the building is not registered as a listed building or place (LBP) or a potentially listed building or place (pLBP), or within a conservation area (CA)

Sun pipes

Do not require planning permission provided that:

  • the building is not registered as a listed building or place (LBP) or a potential listed building or place (pLBP) or lies within a conservation area (CA)

  • the sun pipe does not exceed 45cm in diameter nor projects more than 30cm above the roof plane

Note: you will need planning permission if your 'permitted development' rights have been removed by a condition on a previous Planning Permit in the last 30 years or so.

Loft conversions and windows in the roof
Making an application - planning
Is my building or site listed?

Building permission

Replacing existing windows and doors

You will not require building permission to replace windows, doors or roof lights in a dwelling provided the work is undertaken by a FENSA Registered Company.

What is FENSA?

FENSA stands for the Fenestration Self-Assessment scheme. It has been set up by the Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) and other industry bodies.

FENSA certificates act as documentary evidence that the installation work has been self certified as complying with the building bye-laws. A registered installer will be approved to carry out the work to comply with building bye-laws without you having to apply for building permission.

What if I don't want to use a registered installer?

If you choose not to use a registered installer you will need to make a building application, using form B3

B3 replacement windows, doors and roof lights application form

Making an application - building

Creating new windows or doors

You will require building permission if you want to create any new window or door.

Making an application - building

Commercial and new buildings

FENSA does not apply to commercial premises or new build properties. In both of these instances you are required to go through the building control process. FENSA registration is also not applicable to the installation of conservatories or porches by a FENSA registered business.

A list of FENSA registered companies in Jersey can be found at the official website.

FENSA website​

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