​Public meeting agenda
Planning Committee dates are published one year in advance, and each meeting's
agenda is published at least one week before.
Once the Planning Committee agenda has been published, an item may only be deferred from that agenda with the express agreement of the Committee Chair. You need to
email Planning if you want an item be deferred prior to the day of the meeting.
The Committee makes every effort to keep to the published agenda times. However, this is not always possible and some items may overrun. The Committee won’t determine an item prior to its published start time. However, if the meeting is running late, an item may be determined at a later time. If an individual leaves the meeting before an item being discussed and the item is then determined in their absence, the Committee won’t accept responsibility.
Public meeting protocols
Members of the public and applicants don’t have a statutory right to speak at the meeting, but they may be invited to speak by the Chair, provided that good order is maintained at the meeting and in accordance with the published protocols. Remarks should be relevant to planning matters because personal or private matters can’t be taken into account in considering the application.
When groups of people raise similar issues, the Chair will ask for a single representative to put forward the collective views of the group.
The Committee visit all sites before the meeting and read all the documents and submissions. The Committee will highlight particular points of concern, rather than read documents word for word. Those attending are asked to respect the views of others by remaining silent whilst individuals address the Committee.
The Committee will hear verbal comments but won’t accept any additional written submissions during the meeting as these can’t be properly assessed and circulated in time.
All comments made at the Committee meeting will be recorded by the clerk of the States Greffier as part of the formal minutes. If you don’t want your personal information recorded, tell the Chair prior to speaking. The Chair will determine whether unrecorded views can be taken into account as part of the Committee proceedings.
The Committee members may ask questions of each speaker and may ask the officers to clarify any points which have been raised. A senior department advisor will be available to summarise the points raised for the Committee prior to its decision.
If you interfere with the deliberations of the Committee you will be asked to leave by the Chair. If you don’t comply with a request it is an offence and you may be given a fine.
Planning Committee - procedures and arrangements
Planning Committee decisions
The Committee will make its decision in public. Committee members will advise if they’re in conflict with the item and will abstain from voting. Once the votes are collated, the department’s senior advisor will confirm the decision of the Committee.
Should the Committee be unable to reach a majority (a tied vote), the item will be determined in the negative. This means an application for planning permission is refused if the voting is equal.
If the Committee wishes, it may defer an application. The Committee may defer an item for additional information, to seek legal advice, or to undertake a site visit. Any additional information received will be published on the planning register prior to the next meeting.
If the Committee wishes to overturn the department’s recommendation, the decision will be deferred to the next available meeting for confirmation. Decision confirmations are heard at the beginning of each meeting and allow the Committee to confirm any planning conditions or additional reasons. The Committee won’t hear additional representations at the subsequent, decision confirmation meeting.
Once the Committee decision is made, all parties with a registered interest in the application will be notified by the department.
The minutes of the meeting are approved by the Committee in the following month’s meeting. Once expressly approved by the Committee, the minutes are published on our website and retained for three years.