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Carrying out work on a protected tree

​Planning permission

If you want to remove or manage any trees you should check with us to make sure that they are not on the list of protected trees or protected by a planning condition before you carry out any work.

How can I find out if a tree is included in the list of protected trees?

You can search a database of protected trees. Remember that some trees are also protected by planning conditions and these will not be included on the list. If you are unsure about whether a tree on or around your property is protected contact us and we will check the property file for you.

List of protected trees 

Why are trees given protection?

Trees are protected where they have high amenity value and where they make a valuable and important contribution to the local environment. Most often, trees are given protection when they are the subject of some type of threat, usually a development proposal.

What if I want to work on a protected tree?

Any work to a tree which is included in the list of protected trees requires the consent and an application to undertake works to a protected tree will need to be made.

P1 Non-householder application form

What do I need to provide to carry out work to a protected tree?

You will need to provide the following information to carry out work to a protected tree:

  • details about the protected tree, including:
    • species
    • location
    • site address
  • details of the work you want to do (if possible, send photographs which will identify the proposed works) and a statement about the need for the work
  • any technical information which might be available from a contractor 
  • your contact details
  • the details of the owner of the tree, if it is someone else

Can I do the work myself? 

It is recommended that professional tree contractors are employed in all cases of tree work.

Who can apply to do work on a protected tree?

You must be the owner, or be able to demonstrate that you have the permission of the owner, to do this work.

Do I need permission to do emergency work?

If the tree is in a dangerous state, or if it is dead or dying, you can carry out work to a protected tree. But you must contact us as soon as possible to inform us of the work. In following this course of action it is advisable where possible to secure the professional view of a qualified arboriculturalist in order that you can adequately justify the requirement for this work.

Failure to do so may mean that an offence has been committed and may leave you liable to prosecution if the work was subsequently found to be unjustified. It is recommended that professional tree contractors should be employed in all cases of tree work. All works must be carried out to the standards of the Jersey Health and Safety at Work Act in conjunction with the British Standard recommendation for tree works BS3998 and HSE Guidance notes.

Will I be consulted on, or can I make comments on, a proposal to protect a tree?

Yes, if you are the owner of a tree that is being proposed for the list of protected trees you will be served with a notice or a notice will be displayed clearly at the site of the tree. This notice will provide you and / or other interested parties with an opportunity to comment about the proposal to protect the tree within a period of 28 days. Where a tree is added to the list of protected trees and a person feels dissatisfied at its inclusion, they may make an appeal.

How do I report unauthorised works to a protected tree?

You should contact a Compliance Officer at Planning and Building Services.

How do you decide which trees should be protected?

A tree’s suitability for protection is judged on a number of criteria. To make a recommendation to protect a tree, an arboriculturalist is required to take into account the following factors:

  • the tree’s size
  • life expectancy
  • position (and the public enjoyment it provides)
  • the presence of other trees 
  • its relation to its setting
  • its form and other special features, including: 
    • if it is rare
    • if it is of exceptional landscape value 
    • if it screens an unpleasant view 
    • if it is important in a larger composition

What type of trees can be included in the list of protected trees?

All types of trees can be included in the list of protected trees, including:

  • single trees
  • groups of trees
  • shrubs
  • saplings
  • bushes
  • hedges

Where can I get further information from?

If you want more information about trees and their management, you can contact the States Arboricultural Officer.  

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