ā€‹Statistics law
In 2018, the
Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018 was passed. This put the Chief Statistician and Statistics Jersey onto a legal footing, ensuring their independence and setting out their responsibilities.
These responsibilities include:
- the production of trustworthy, high quality and value for money statistical output for everyone in Jersey
- running of a regular census
- using administrative data to produce statistics wherever possible
All statistics producers, including those within government, must also comply with the
Data Protection (Jersey) Law, 2018. This law protects people by ensuring data relating to them is held, used and shared properly.
The Chief Statistician
Our Chief Statistician is responsible for:
- the production and publication of official statistics to support decision making by the Government of Jersey
- leading and managing Statistics Jersey
- drive up the standards and quality of all Government produced statistics
- independently comment on the quality and interpretation of any statistics produced by public authorities, other undertakings or individuals
The current Chief Statistician is Ian Cope.
The Statistics Users Group
The role of the Statistics Users Group (SUG) is to oversee the quality, relevance and integrity of the statistics compiled by or on behalf of a public authority. This involves reviewing and commenting on any official statistics prepared or published by the Government of Jersey.
The group is made up of a chair and between 6 and 10 members.
Statistics Users Group
Codes of Practice
Statistics Jersey apply the key principles of trustworthiness, quality and value to its work. These principles form the foundation of the Code of Practice which guides the production of all statistics by public authorities in Jersey.
The principles and aims of the codes are based on the three pillars of trust, value and quality to make sure statistics:
- meet the needs of users
- are produced, managed and disseminated to high standards
- are clearly and objectively explained
Code of practice for statistics
Code of practice for official statistics
Statistics Producers
Statistics Jersey is the main producer of Official Statistics but many other Government of Jersey departments produce Jersey wide statistics. For example Health and Care Jersey (HCJ) produce hospitalā€‹ and waiting list statistics and Children and Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) produce statistics on exam results.
About Statistics Jersey
Find a selection of information and statistics from various statistics producers on statistics and performance.