Using the dashboard
Find information below on how to use the main sections of the dashboard.
You can find further details in the Dashboard Guidance for:
- how to use the dashboard
- details of the underlying calculations
- detailed information about each indicator
Island Outcome Indicators Dashboard Guidance
Summary page
This shows the status of the 10 outcomes, sorted into their respective themes:
- community
- environment
- economy
The circles at the top of each theme show the proportion of red, amber, green, grey indicators in each theme.
Additional page
Selecting the arrow alongside each set of outcomes opens a page with a detailed breakdown of the indicators in each theme which are grouped by outcome.
It allows the user to select individual indicators and see the attached data series.
Red, amber, green and grey rating
Indicator rating
The red, amber and green (RAG) ratings for each indicator are based on how its trend over time compares to the ambition for that indicator.
For example, if we have an ambition for crime rate to be falling, and it is falling, the indicator will be rated green. If the crime rate is increasing, it will be rated red. Grey indicates no data.
Outcome rating
Each outcome is rated red, amber or green (RAG) depending on the number of green, amber and red indicators it contains.
If the outcome contains:
- majority red indicators, it will be rated red
- majority green indicators, it will be rated green
All other combinations will result in the outcome being rated amber.
Chart filters
Choose a year to display on the chart and the red, amber or green statuses will be calculated according to the situation leading up to that year.
If an indicator has no data for a year it will display as grey. Selecting ‘latest data’ will return the rating based on the situation up to the most recent year that data is available for each indicator.
Trend Range to date
Choose whether to analyse the trend over 3 years, 5 year, 10 years or all data points prior to the reference year. This will affect the ratings of indicators and outcomes as the short-term trend may differ from the long-term trend.
Development of the Island Outcome Indicators
The long-term vision for Jersey’s sustainable wellbeing was set out in the 2017 Future Jersey vision.
Future Jersey is based around ten Island Outcomes which drive quality of life in Jersey. The outcomes are divided into 3 themes:
- community
- environment
- economy
The themes and outcomes have remained largely unchanged since 2017, however the indicators supporting each outcome have developed over time. This development is described in the review summary.
Island Outcome Indicators review summary
Jersey Performance Framework
Island Outcome Indicators form half of the Jersey Performance Framework, which is one of the ways we report on our progress.
The other half of the Jersey Performance Framework is made up of the Service Performance Measures. These are short-term indicators show how Jersey’s government is performing against in-year targets.