​​​​​Overall well-being
Jersey’s Better Life Index aims to provide a measure of the Island’s well-being. It is based on social, environmental, and economic measures, and individuals' ratings of their own lives and surroundings.
Jersey’s overall Better Life Index of 6.4 (out of 10) ranks Jersey 26th out of 41 nations. This score places Jersey below the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average, the United Kingdom and France.
Dimensions of well-being
As well as presenting an overall headline measure, this framework enables comparison of Jersey with OECD member countries and partners in terms of 11 topics (“dimensions”) relating to material conditions and quality of life.
In the following comparisons the most recently available data from the OECD is used, data for Jersey is from either the same reference year or the closest year available to enable fair comparisons.
Using the drop-down list below you can view each dimension individually, with a chart showing the relative score for the dimension followed by charts for each indicator which makes up that dimension:
Better Life Index for Jersey and OECD countries -
OECD Average
Regional comparisons​
As well as comparisons at a national level, the Better Life Index framework also allows for well-being comparisons to be made across, smaller sub-national "regions". These are defined as the first tier of-sub-national government - for example, states in the USA, provinces in Canada or regions in France. On this basis Jersey’s overall regional well-being score of 7.2 (out of 10) placed it 148th out of 448 regions.
Regions from seven countries (Australia, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands, and the USA) accounted for the top 20 regions; the Canberra Capital region of Australia being ranked the highest with a score of 9.2. In contrast, regions from three countries (Colombia, Mexico, and Turkey) accounted for the lowest 25 regions; the Norte de Santander region of Colombia was ranked the lowest, with a score of 1.9.
Latest report
You can read the latest Better Life Index report in full here:
Jersey Better Life Index report 2023
OECD data