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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Online shopping, banking and payments

When you’re shopping or banking online, before you enter your card details always check there’s:

  • a padlock symbol in the browser window when you have logged in or registered
  • that the web address begins with ‘https://’. The ‘s’ stands for ‘secure’

Log out of your accounts when you’ve finished with them. Don’t just close the window.

Online shopping

When you shop online, follow these simple steps to stay safe:
  • if you’re buying online from a retailer or individual you’re not familiar with, make sure they’re trustworthy by getting recommendations or customer reviews
  • unless you know the seller personally, never pay by direct transfer into their bank account
  • don’t buy online when you’re using unsecured WiFi, such as a hotspot in a cafĂ© or hotel
  • remember that paying by credit card offers greater protection from fraud, non-delivery and dishonoured product warranties
  • use different passwords for the shopping, auction and buy and sell sites you use, in case your details get hacked from one or more of them
  • when you’ve finished your shopping session, always log out of the site because closing your browser isn’t enough
  • check your payment card statements regularly to make sure you’ve been charged the right amount, and check your card hasn’t been cloned and other purchases made in your name

For more information and guidance on how to shop online safely, visit the Get Safe Online website.

Online banking

Never disclose your banking pin or passwords

Never disclose pins, passwords or other personal information in response to an email, phone call, text, social media post or letter purporting to be from your bank or other official organisation, however genuine they may seem.

Real organisations never ask you for this information. Any communication from banks will use your actual name (not 'Sir', 'Madam' or 'Customer') and possibly ask for other ways to identify you such as your postcode or part of your account number.

Don't use your online banking on public WiFi

Don't bank online when you're using unsecured WiFi, such as a hotspot in a café or hotel. Logging in to a hotspot is no indication it's secure. Use 3G / 4G or wait until you get home to your secure WiFi.

  • only ever visit your bank's website by entering the address into your browser or using a bookmark you have created using the correct address
  • don't lend your payment cards or reveal their pins to anybody else, however trustworthy they may seem
  • always check your statements. If you notice any unusual transactions report them immediately
  • be aware of 'shoulder surfers' viewing your computer or mobile device screen from behind you
  • if you spot anything irregular at the ATM like an unusual card slot or fascia, don't use it. Report it to your bank

For more information and guidance on how to bank online safely, visit the Get Safe Online website.

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