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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Online and technology-facilitated abuse

Online and technology-facilitated abuse occurs online or through a digital device.

Some examples are:

  • intimate i​mag​e abuse: cyber flashing, deep fakes, and the sharing of intimate images or videos without consent (sometimes called revenge porn)
  • cyber harassment: sending unsolicited, sexually explicit, or offensive messages, often accompanied by threats of physical or sexual violence
  • cyber stalking: monitoring, following, or spying on someone using technology​

More information about differ​ent forms of abuse can be found on the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) page.

Another type of abuse which is often linked to technology-facilitated abuse, involves controlling a victim's access to money, assets, and opportunities. This can include monitoring online banking or financial statements. This is called economic abuse.

Find guidance on what economic abuse is on the Refuge Tech Safety website and how to get help on the Surviving Economic Abuse website.

Illegal online actions

Under certain circumstances, the following actions can be considered illegal:

  • sending messages that are grossly offensive, indecent, obscene, or threatening
  • persistently sending messages to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety
  • engaging in a course of conduct that constitutes harassment
The following actions are illegal:
  • creating, owning, or distributing indecent images of children
  • demanding something in exchange for not sharing intimate images or videos

Re-sharing intimate images

The States of Jersey Police strongly advise against re-sharing intimate images or videos. These may be part of a criminal investigation and sharing them could lead to legal consequences. Once you share an image or video, you lose control of it and it could be further distributed. 

Report online and technology-facilitated abuse

If you experience or witness online or tech-facilitated abuse, you can report it to the States of Jersey Police:​

Report a crime ​

Call: +44 (0) 1534 612612 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency)

Police HQ
La Route du Fort
St Helier

You can expect your report to be listened to and taken seriously. The police will assess the risk, determine if a crime has been committed, guide you through the investigation process, and can direct you to support agencies.

Support organisations

If you experience online or tech-facilitated abuse, these organisations can help:

​Organisation website
​Contact details

Refuge UK

+44 (0) 808 2000 247

Contact Refuge

Provides general information, tech security guidance, and a 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline.

Youth Enquiry Service (YES)

+44 (0) 800 7350 010

Offers online safety information, drop-in sessions with youth workers, and a free helpline.

Victims First Jersey

+44 (0) 800 7351 612


Provides comprehensive support to all victims, including information on the justice process.

For more information on services that can support you if you have experienced domestic abuse or sexual abuse, see the VAWG support services directory​.

​How to remove intima​te images from online platforms

To remove intimate images from online platforms, contact the platform directly to report the content. You should take a screenshot of the post and any related communications for potential police investigations.

There are also organisations who offer image removal services, some of which require payment. The police should be able to advise on which organisations offer these services.

For young people, Childline offers the 'Report Remove' tool to assist in the removal of images or videos.

Secure your technology

If you suspect spyware is on your device, the States of Jersey Police recommend resetting your device to factory settings, but this is not a guaranteed solution. It is very difficult to know where spyware is installed onto a device, since it's hidden and sometimes stored in many areas. If you think there is spyware on a device, be cautious about what information you enter on different sites (passwords, bank details, private correspondence). It is best to stop using the device until it has been reset, or even better, replaced.

For more information and advice, see Refuge UK's guidance on securing technology.

For parents and children, the NSPCC provides online safety guidance, including resources for children with special education needs.

Cover your tracks online​

If you're concerned about someone discovering that you have looked at this webpage, you can cover your tracks online. ​


For terms which refer to online and tech-facilitated abuse, see the below glossary or visit the Refuge tech safety glossary.

​Bug or bugging

The act of concealing a microphone or listening device to secretly record someone.


​Taking sexually suggestive pictures of a person without their consent.

Cyber flashing

​Sending unsolicited sexual images using text message, messaging apps, or dating apps. This can also be done through close-range connection, such as Airdrop or Bluetooth. This is a form of non-consensual intimate image abuse.

Cyber harassment

The repeated use of online communications to cause someone emotional or psychological harm. ​May include threats or sexually explicit comments.

Cyber Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

A term used to refer to any form of abuse or violence towards women or girls which either takes place online or uses technology. Can also refer to the cultural, social practices and beliefs found online that can lead to VAWG. This is the preferred term, since it recognises that this violence and abuse disproportionately affects women.​​​

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) Attack

Forcing an online service or website to shut down by overwhelming or disrupting it with a sudden increase of online activity.


Intentionally using a trans person's birth name (not corresponding to their gender) to shame or threaten them.

Deep fakes

Audio image or video altered and/or synthetically created to replicate someone's voice or appearance. This technology can be used for manipulative purposes, such as displaying someone in an intimate or sexually explicit activity. This can then be shared on pornographic websites without the person's consent. This use of deepfakes is a form of non-consensual intimate image abuse.


The manipulation of social media guidelines to remove or limit someone's online activity. 

Digital voyeurism

An umbrella term for different digital methods for secretly observing someone. This is a form of non-consensual intimate image abuse.


Taking photos or video of a woman's cleavage without their consent. This is a form of non-consensual intimate image abuse.

Doxing (also spelt “Doxxing")

Making someone's personal information publicly available without their consent. Typically includes someone's home address. This is often done to intimidate the victim with the threat of violence, since they can be located. Doxing is often perpetrated in the context of intimate partner violence.


The act of posting or directing an insulting, offensive, or hostile online message or series of messages at someone else. This practice can sometimes become abusive, where messages or posts are sent repeatedly over a period of time to intentionally cause harm, or should be reasonably understood to cause harm.


The process of illegally or non-consensually gaining access to a computer system or network.

'Happy slapping'

The act of physically attacking or sexually assaulting someone, with the aim of recording the assault being to share it online.

Internet of Things (IoT)

A term used to describe a network of online devices that interchange data. Examples include smart TVs, smart fridges, fitness trackers etc.

Internet Protocol (IP) Address

A unique string of characters used to identify a device on the internet or a network. IP Addresses can be used to determine someone's location.

Malware or malicious software

Any software that intentionally harms a computer. Typically done to either steal sensitive information, disrupt or track someone's online activity.


Data that provides information about other data. An example would include the date, time, or location that a picture was taken.

Non-Consensual Intimate image abuse

Any form of abuse which involves using an intimate image of someone without their consent. Typically done by sharing or posting the image(s) online or through text messages.

Non-Consensual Pornography

A term used to describe the online distribution of private or sexually explicit images or videos of someone without their consent. Typically for the use of sexual gratification. This is sometimes called 'revenge porn'. This is a form of non-consensual intimate image abuse. It is not recommended to use this term, since it does not state directly that this practice is abuse.

Online grooming

A term used to refer to someone using online platforms or technology to develop a relationship with a child or young person, with the intention of sexual gratification.

Online platforms

Typically refers to social media websites (i.e. Facebook, Instagram etc.) or any website where the user can make a public comment. See de-platforming.


The practice of revealing someone's sexual orientation or gender identity without their consent. Typically done publicly.

'Revenge P​orn'

A term used to describe the online distribution of private and sexually explicit images and videos of someone without their consent. Typically associated with partners and ex-partners. It is not recommended to use the term 'revenge porn' as not all perpetrators of this abuse are motivated by 'revenge' or other personal feelings towards the victim. Non-consensual intimate image abuse is the preferred term.


Exchanging, sending or receiving sexually explicit messages, often containing pictures or videos. It is not recommended to use this term to refer to unsolicited sexually explicit images, since it doesn't imply a lack of consent.

Sexual Extortion or 'Sextortion'

The act of threatening to publish sexual content (images, videos, deepfakes, or sexual rumours) to threaten, coerce or blackmail someone. Typically, the perpetrator is an ex-partner who obtains images or videos during the relationship.

Sexual Solicitation​​

These requests are typically unsolicited and can lead to requests regarding sex. Includes sending sexually explicit images, voicemails, or text messages. These requests can lead to abusive and or misogynistic comments, harassment, or threats.


The act of shaming women and girls based on their perceived appearance, behaviour, or sexual activity.

Smart home devices

Home appliances which can be controlled via a smartphone or tablet. Examples include thermostats, lights etc.

Spyware or Stalkerware

Software downloaded onto someone's phone or device to track the activities of that device. This can be done by accident when downloading an app onto a smart phone or downloading software from a website onto a computer. This term is often used in the context of abusive partners or ex-partners using spyware to track a victim's location and/or online activity. Spyware and stalkerware are often used interchangeably in the context of domestic abuse.


The act of deceiving police services into sending officers to someone's location based on a false report with the intent to cause the victim distress. Typically used in the context of online streaming platforms, such as Twitch. Can involve doxing.


Posting offensive or controversial messages online, to receive an angry or upset response from an individual or group of people. This can sometimes become abusive, where messages are threatening or are sent repeatedly.


Taking photos or video from under a woman's skirt or dress without their consent. This is a form of non-consensual intimate image abuse.

'Virtual rape'

A situation where a person's avatar or digital representation of themselves, is subjected to simulated sexual violence by other online users. Typically found in online gaming settings.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)​

A secure private internet connection setup over a public network. Provides protection and limits visibility from other people connected to a public network.

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