Any business who subscribes to this code should follow these standards as a minimum.
In general terms, businesses should:
treat debtors fairly
be transparent in their dealings with debtors
exercise forbearance and consideration
act proportionately when seeking to recover debts
establish and implement clear, effective and appropriate policies and procedures for engaging with debtors and other relevant parties, including having appropriate mechanisms for responding to reasonably queried and disputed debt and complaints
Subscribers are required to re-affirm to this code every 24 months and must display a certificate of compliance with this code on their premises.
The subscribers shown below are committed to the code, its requirements and its values, and ensure that they apply it in their day-to-day activities:
Atlantic Security Services Limited
- Cashback Limited
Close Finance CI Limited
- Skyfall Collections
If you have a complaint, you should contact the subscriber directly.
They should tell you about their complaint procedures and deal with you in a fair, swift and constructive way.
Complaints relating to non-compliance with the code
Trading Standards will investigate complaints relating to this code.
You can download a copy here or printed copies are available from:
- any subscriber to the code
- Trading Standards Service, PO Box 228, JE4 9SS
- Citizens Advice Bureau, St Paul's Gate, New Street, St Helier
Download the code of conduct for debt collection (size 412kb)
Contact the Trading Standards Service for more details.
Trading Standards Service
PO Box 228
Tel: +44 (0) 1534 448160
Email Trading Standards