This is not a place to report a crime
If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 999
To report a safe guarding concern for a child or young person, contact the
Children and Families Hub.
Accessing support
Engaging with the violence against women and girls call for evidence may upset you. If you've been affected by the content or you've experienced violence, there are specialist support organisations to help you. They can listen and guide you with whatever you need and many of them are confidential.
If you've experienced or witnessed violence against women and girls, you might want to report it.
For more information on reporting a crime and the justice process visit Victims First Jersey.
FREEDA provides emotional and practical support as well as advice for victims of domestic abuse and their children.
Their services include a helpline, a safe house and a specialist team ready to listen​ with the offer of putting together support and safety plans meeting your needs and wishes.
Call their helpline: +44 (0) 800 7356836
Email: hello@freeda.org.je
​For more information visit FREEDA​
​Jersey Domestic Abuse Support (IDVA AND ISVA)
Jersey Domestic Abuse Support is an independent service developed to protect and support victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Their qualified Independent Domestic Violence Advisors provide support and advice to develop long-term safety solutions for men, women and their families.
Call: +44 (0) 1534 880505
Email: JDAS@gov.je
Jersey Domestic Abuse Support
Dewberry House Sexual Assault Referral Centre
Dewberry House is staffed with a team of professionals that work to help and care for people who have been victims of sexual assault. They'll always provide you with a safe, non-judgemental and caring service, that will always focus on your needs.
Call: +44 (0) 1534 888222
Email: dewberryhouse@gov.je
Dewberry House Sexual Assault Referral Centre
Jersey Action Against Rape
Jersey Action Against Rape is an independent and confidential service helping people to recover from the trauma of sexual violence. They have a dedicated helpline, website and on-site counselling where you can have access to qualified and specially trained counsellors and psychotherapists.
Call their confidential helpline: +44 (0) 1534 482800
Email: help@jaar.je
Jersey Action Against Rape
Victim First Jersey
Victims First Jersey is a free independent and confidential service supporting victims and witnesses of crime in Jersey. The service offers free support and advice to anyone affected by crime in Jersey. It does not matter if the crime has not been reported to the Police, Victims First Jersey are available to help you cope and recover after your experience of crime.
Call their free support: 0800 7351612
Email: victimsfirstjersey@gov.je
Victims First Jersey
NSPCC's mission is to protect children at risk, prevent abuse and trauma from happening, and transform society so it's safer for children everywhere. Their practitioners in Jersey deliver life changing services for children, young people and families. Whether that's helping them deal with the extra stresses of parenthood, or moving on from abuse.
Call: 0808 800 5000 (for people aged 18 and over)
0800 1111 (ChildLine for people aged under 18)
Children and Families Hub
The Children and Families Hub provides information, advice and support for families and young people. Their aim is to make sure you get the right help, at the right time. This could be some advice on the telephone or a one-to-one consultation. They'll also put you in touch with any services that can help you. The hub also responds to any safeguarding concerns you may have for a child or young person.
Call: +44 (0) 1534 519000
Email: childrenandfamilieshub@gov.je
Find further details and services offered by the
Children and Families Hub.
Single Point of Referral (SPOR)
Single Point of Referral for Adult Social Services provide 1 point of contact to raise concerns about the immediate safety or welfare of an adult.
Call: +44 (0) 1534 444440
Email: spor@gov.je
Find out more about
SPOR Single Point of Referral.
The Housing Advice Service provides information, advice and support for Islanders around all aspects of housing.
Call:+44 (0) 1534 444444
Email: housingadvice@gov.je
About the Housing Advice Service
Citizen's Advice
Citizen's Advice give independent, confidential and impartial advice that Islanders need for the problems they face. They champion the rights of individuals and promote equality and justice for all. They give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward, whoever they are and whatever their problem.
Call: 0800 735 0249
Email: advice@cab.org.je
Citizens Advice Jersey
The Shelter Trust is the leading provider of accommodation and support services for the homeless community in Jersey. The Trust provides accommodation, food, support and encouragement for around 100 people per night at 4 sites in and around the town area.
Call: +44 (0) 1534 730235
Email: admin@shelter.org.je
Liberate is the Channel Island's equality and diversity charity. Liberate offers free counselling to anyone from a minority group in Jersey who is experiencing poor mental health.
Counselling Support on Liberate
Mind Jersey
Mind Jersey is an independent local charity that provides support to people living with mental illness. Mind Jersey offers free counselling as well as a range of other support services.
Call: +44 (0) 7829 933929
Mind Jersey