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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Flooding: how to prepare, cope and clean up

​​​Preparing for a flood

Follow these steps if you think you might be at risk of flooding:

Make sure you know how to turn off gas, electricity and water

If you have any doubts about how to turn off your gas, water or electricity, you should ask your supplier for advice.

Consider marking which taps and switches to turn off with stickers. This makes it easier to remember and quicker to do.

Check your home insurance

Check your buildings and contents insurance policy to:

  • confirm you are covered for flooding 
  • find out if damaged belongings will be replaced with new ones. This can be called the new for old policy

If you live in rented accommodation, contact your landlord to find out about the insurance cover for your flat or house.

Get flood protection

If you're in a high risk area, consider buying special flood protection products which can help stop flooding damage to your home and belongings.

These products help:

  • prevent water from entering your property
  • slow down the rate at which water enters your property
  • reduce damage to walls, floors and fixtures and fittings
  • make the clean-up process easier and faster

You should follow the manufacturer’s instructions to put these products in place when at risk of flooding.

Products include:

  • sandbags. The parish may make sandbags available during a flood to help you protect your home. However, supply could be limited so it’s a good idea to buy your own sand and bags. You can also use pillowcases and plastic bags filled with earth 
  • floodboards. Floodboards fix to frames around windows and doors. You can wash, store and use these again
  • plastic covers to seal airbricks. Airbricks are normally found in brick-built homes on external walls near ground level and are designed to allow air to circulate through the building. Plastic covers can stop water coming in through your airbricks in a flood. Remember to remove the plastic covers once the area is no longer flooded

Before a flood

If there has been a severe weather warning issued by Jersey Met or any of the Emergency Services, you should:

  • put emergency supplies in a safe place which is easy to reach
  • move valuables and food upstairs or to the safest place in your home
  • tie down or move garden furniture
  • close windows, and draw the curtains to protect against flying glass
  • protect doorways and low level vents with sandbags. Make sure you turn off vents first
  • tell neighbours, family or friends if you're going to stay somewhere else during the bad weather
  • park your car in the safest place possible, away from trees and high walls
  • consider leaving your pet with someone who is not at risk of flooding

During a flood

During severe weather you should:

  • stay home and keep to the safest part of the building and away from windows.
  • read the latest news, listen to the radio, watch TV, follow us on X or follow us on Facebook for updates and information
  • not go out unless you really have to. Make sure someone knows where you're going and how long you will be
  • if your property is starting to flood or if you're being told to evacuate, turn off your electrical supply

After a flood

Once the severe weather has passed you should:

  • find out if it's safe to return to your property. This will be announced through the radio, social media or by contacting the States of Jersey Police. If you have been evacuated because of flooding, you’ll be told when it is safe to return home.
  • speak to your insurance company to find out if they will organise professional cleaners to clean up your home 

Check your electricity supply and electrical appliances

  • check that the electricity supply has been switched off at the mains
  • if you are not sure the electricity is turned off, get a qualified person to do this
  • do not touch sources of electricity while standing in floodwater
  • get any electrical appliances that have come into contact with floodwater checked by a qualified electrician before using them again

Protecting yourself while cleaning up

Make sure you wear protective clothing when you clean up following a flood. Floodwater can be contaminated with sewage, chemicals and animal waste, so you’ll need to disinfect anything that comes into contact with it.

You should always:

  • wear protective clothing, like a waterproof jacket and trousers and rubber gloves
  • use a face mask
  • wash your hands with disinfectant if you have been in contact with floodwater or mud, or handled items that have been in contact with floodwater
  • make sure any open cuts or wounds on exposed skin are covered by a waterproof plaster
  • throw away any food that has come into contact with the flood water

Getting rid of floodwater

Once the water levels are lower outside than inside your property, you can begin to get rid of the water using a pump or bucket.

You can hire or buy a pump and generator from a DIY shop. Make sure you put the generator outside, to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning from the exhaust.

Cleaning surfaces in your home

Use hot water and detergent to clean all hard surfaces across your home that may have come into contact with floodwater, including walls and flooring.

Clean and disinfect your kitchen and utensils before using them with food.

If you have a dishwasher, you can use it to clean and sanitise your kitchen items. It is advised to discard any wooden boards and utensils if contaminated by floodwater.

Textile items such as clothing, bedding and toys should be washed on a 60°C cycle with detergent. If you suspect issues with your drainage system, it is recommended that a launderette be used for washing large quantities of clothes and linens until your waste-water system has been checked.

Drying out 

You can use your central heating to help dry out the house once the heating system has been checked by a qualified engineer.

You can speed up the drying process by keeping the building well ventilated by opening as many windows and doors as possible and using a fan. However, if you use a dehumidifier to remove water from the air in your home, you'll need to keep external doors and windows shut.

Heating, dehumidifiers and good ventilation can help to dry out your home.

If you have gas or oil central heating, make sure to get it checked by a qualified engineer before turning it on. Keep the thermostat between 20°C and 22°C for steady drying.

If you have air bricks to any underfloor spaces, ensure these are unblocked to boost cross ventilation to these areas. Make sure to look for any loose material or dust while your floorboards and walls continue to dry out, vacuuming these areas on a regular basis.

Remove dirty water and silt from the property. If you have wooden floors, check the space under the ground floor as the dirty water in this space may need to be pumped out.

As your home continues to dry out, the mould should disappear. If it persists, please contact a specialist cleaner.

Looking after yourself

Experiencing a flood can be frightening, and it can di​srupt your daily life activities. It's important not to underestimate the stress and strain of being flooded, having to move from your home, or cleaning up after a flood. Take the time to consider you and your loved ones' mental health and wellbeing and if you do need support, you can contact our Mental Health Network.

Anyone with concerns for their health shou​ld contact their GP for advice.

Supporting others 

Providing practical care and support as well as emotional support, for example listening to and comforting people, is commonly referred to as psychosocial support, and psychological first aid (PFA) is a well-recognised approach to facilitate this type of support.

Before attempting to deliver PFA, it's important to complete training to develop relevant knowledge and skills. There is an online course in PFA as well as a specialised course to deliver PFA to children.

If you are helping someone who has been affected by flooding, there are simple techniques you can use to offer support, including:

  • ​assessing the situation and ensure that a person's circumstances are safe
  • check there are no immediate physical health needs, for example, those that may require an ambulance or a hospital visit
  • check with them about their needs or concerns, and identify if any basic needs are not met, such as access to food, water, shelter and medication
  • help people contact their loved ones and others who can provide familiar sources of support
  • listen, provide information if you have it, and help people to make plans for next steps

More information about how to support people who have been affected by flooding from the World Health Organization (WHO).​​

Flood advice leaflet

Flood advice leaflet

Grand Vaux flood plan

Grand Vaux flood plan

Find more ways to stay safe on emergency​ planning.

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