What you can report
You can report a person or business if you think they're not paying enough tax or are committing another type of fraud against Revenue Jersey.
This includes tax avoidance or evasion for any of the revenues we collect such as:
Income Tax
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- employer obligations such as deducting tax and contributions
- Land Transaction Tax
Reporting tax fraud
To report any type of tax fraud
email our risk team at revenuejerseyrisk@gov.je or call +44 (0) 1534 440004.
Give as much information as you can about the person or business you're reporting, including:
- their name and address
- the type of fraud you think they are committing
You don't have to give us your name or address. Any information you provide is confidential.
You should not try and find out more information about the person or business or let anyone know you're making a report.
What happens next
We'll look at the information you gave and
take action if we find that the person or business committed tax evasion.
No action can be taken if the information is insufficient to identify an issue or where matters appear to be in order.
You won't be able to find out the outcome of our review.