​​​​Who collects GST and ISE fees
Revenue Jersey collects:
- domestic Good and Services Tax (GST), for goods and services bought in Jersey
- International Service Entities (ISE) fees​, for businesses registered as an ISE
GST paid on imported goods (import GST) is collected by Customs and Immigration.​
​How GST works for businesses​
GST for online ​​shopping and imported goods
About International Service Entities (ISEs)
Pay domestic GST or​ ISE fees
Pay Customs import GST
Internet banking (only for domestic GST and ISE fees)
You can use internet banking to pay domestic GST due on your return or ISE fees.
If you're paying:
- domestic GST, quote your 7 digit GST registration number as your reference
- ISE fee, quote your 7 digit ISE registration number as your reference
You can't specify which GST period you're paying when using internet banking. Your payment will be set off against the earliest ou​tstanding year.
| HSBC​ |
​Sort code
| 40-25-34
​Account name
| ​Government of Jersey
​Account number | 92144735​
Phone (only for domestic GST and ISE fees)
You can make a card payment over the phone to pay for domestic GST or ISE fees.
Call + 44 (0) 1534 440235 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Pay by cheque
You can post a cheque to pay for domestic and import GST or ISE fees.
Domestic GST or ISE fees
Make your cheque payable to the 'Government of Jersey' and include:
- your name
- GST or ISE registration number
- the period you are paying
Revenue Jersey
PO Box 56
St Helier
Customs import GST
Make your cheque payable to the 'Government of Jersey' and include:
- your name
- your customs invoice number
Goods Control
Jersey Customs and Immigration Service
Maritime House
La Route du Port Elizabeth
St Helier
Paying import GST for a business
How you pay GST on imported goods depends ​if your business is GST registered and Customs approved.
The personal de minimis amount does not apply to businesses.
GST-registered and Customs-approved
| Your goods will be released automatically when they arrive in Jersey. Y​ou will account for an​y GST on your GST return.
GST-registered but not Customs-approved | You must declare the value and pay the GST within 3 days.
To avoid this, you can become a customs approved trader.
Not GST-registered but Customs-approved
| Your goods will be released automatically when they arrive in Jersey. You'll have to pay GST within 30 days using CAESAR.
Pay your Goods and Services Tax (GST) on CAESAR |
Not GST-registered and not Customs-approved
| You must declare the value and pay the GST within 3 days. To avoid this, you can become a customs approved trader.​