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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

GST liability of goods and services

​​Goods and services that have GST

Most goods and services are liable to GST, either at:

  • the standard rate, or
  • 0% (zero-rated)

There are a some GST exempt goods and services that are excluded specifically by the law.

Zero-rated goods and services

GST is rated at 0% for:

  • buying, selling or renting accommodation
  • exports
  • the supply of international services where the benefit is received in a country outside Jersey

GST exempt goods and services

The goods and services specifically exempted from GST under the law are:

  • financial services
  • insurance
  • postal services
  • medical supplies
  • medicines on prescription
  • supplies by charities
  • registered child care
  • some burial and cremation services
  • school fees

Goods and Services Tax (Jersey) Law on Jersey Law website

Specific purchases and GST


If a business adds a service charge to your bill, then it is subject to GST. If you leave a tip, it isn't.

GST on tips, service charges and gratuities


No GST is charged on prescriptions if you are entitled to claim pharmaceutical benefit under the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967.

House sales, rent and housebuilding

You don't pay GST on house sales, transfers or leases.

Loans or mortgages

Loans and mortgages are exempt from GST. Hire purchase, conditional sales or credit sales are also exempt.

How you know if GST has been charged

Most businesses are required to quote and display the prices of goods including GST. Some goods are imported and the prices are pre-marked (eg newspapers and magazines). There must be clear signage indicating that the GST-inclusive selling price is different from the marked price.

Registered businesses must also normally include, on all invoices:

  • details of their address and GST number
  • the name of the customer, together with a description of the goods and / or services provided
  • the total cost and the GST charged

However, retailers (ie those making the majority of their sales to the general public) can provide simplified invoices, unless you request a full GST invoice.

If you suspect you have been improperly charged GST, you should tell us so we can investigate. There are severe penalties for GST fraud and not complying with the GST law.


VAT is a UK tax and you don’t pay it on goods and services bought in Jersey.

Where VAT is applied to your UK purchase, you may want to contact the seller before you make a payment.

VAT on goods bought in the UK

Businesses that charge GST

 It should only be charged by a business which is registered for GST with Revenue Jersey.

Jersey businesses with a turnover in excess of ÂŁ300,000 in any 12 month period are required to register for GST and charge it to their customers, although some smaller businesses voluntarily register.

Any overseas retailer, or online market, who sells goods to non-business consumers in Jersey and those goods are despatched from an overseas location to Jersey, must register and account for GST if their turnover from such sales exceeds, or is likely to exceed, ÂŁ300,000 per annum. Smaller overseas retailers may also voluntarily register.

GST registration

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