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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Corporate return online filing

​Step 1: Register your entity for online filing

To register your entity:

  1. Select the link below and choose the option 'Corporate Tax Returns'
  2. On our homepage, select 'Begin Registration' and 'Entity Registration'
  3. You will be given a User ID and asked to create a password
  4. An activation PIN will be posted to you within 10 days, once your registration has been processed

Register for online services

Online returns service registration instructions

Step 2: Activate your account

You will only need to enter your activation PIN once. To activate your account:

  1. On our homepage, log on with the user ID you were given and the password you created
  2. Enter the PIN you were sent and select 'Activate'
  3. You are now logged in to the website securely

Step 3: File your corporate return

To complete your corporate return:

  1. Login, select 'Your Services' and 'Access Service' and select 'Submit Return'
  2. Complete your return, guidance is available at each section by pressing the 'i' button. You can also save your return and go back to it at a later date by pressing save
  3. Once you have completed your return, there is an option to print under 'View Return Details'
  4. Make sure you select 'Submit' once you have completed your return. When you get a lodgement reference that means we have received your return

File your corporate return 

I have lost my login details

If you've lost your User ID, email Business Tax

If you can't remember your password, there's a link on the homepage. Select forgotten your password and this will be reset.  An email will be sent to the email address used when the company registered online.

Change user account details

To change the name, email address or password of your user account:

  1. Log in using your User ID and password
  2. Click on your user account name on the menu bar and select 'Your Account'

If you cannot log in to your account, please write to us confirming the new email address. Include your User ID and make sure it is signed by a person who is authorised to act on behalf of the entity (eg a director of a company, a company secretary, a member of the council of a foundation, an officer or committee member of an unincorporated body, association or co-operative). To speed this process up, email Business Tax a scanned copy of the letter.

Alternatively, you may wish to register the company again.

Help with filing your corporate return online

It is no longer possible to file your corporate return on paper. The corporate return must be filed online.

If you have difficulties using the online facility you may wish to consider appointing an agent.

Corporate tax return help notes


You will need an email address to be able to register, and the registration process involves an activation pin being sent by post therefore this will take two trips.

Documents required

You may be required to upload your accounts to the return, currently you will be unable to do this at the online self service area, however we can show you how you can do this when you have an electronic copy of your accounts available.

Please bring all records required to complete the tax return with you, together with your user ID and knowledge of your password.

I've filed the return but made a mistake

For the year of assessment 2019 onwards, a company can make a return correction online.  For agents, this facility is available on your online client portal.

For individual company accounts, please request us to add the correction facility to your account by emailing Business Tax via

Change of ownership

If there's a change of company ownership, you can either ask for the login details from the previous owner or register as a new user.  

If you have the login details from the previous owner, you can change the name, email and password associated with that account by clicking on your user account name in the menu bar and then clicking on 'Your account'. 

Corporate tax return deadline and fines


A company is required to deliver its return for the year of assessment by midnight on 30 November of the following year.

A company which fails to deliver the return by this deadline will be liable to a penalty of ÂŁ300. Furthermore if the return is not delivered within 3 months after the deadline will also be liable to an additional penalty of ÂŁ100 for each month that the return remains undelivered up to a maximum of 9 months.

Foundations, incorporated / unincorporated bodies, associations and co-operatives

A foundation, incorporated / unincorporated body, association or co-operative is required to deliver its return online for the year of assessment by midnight on 31 July of the following year.

A foundation, incorporated / unincorporated body, association or co-operative which fails to deliver the return by this deadline will be liable to a penalty of ÂŁ300. Furthermore if the return is not delivered within 3 months after the deadline will also be liable to an additional penalty of ÂŁ100 for each month that the return remains undelivered up to a maximum of 9 months.

Applying for a late filing penalty to be cancelled or waived

If you receive a penalty notice for late submission of the return you may request for the penalty to be cancelled or waived.

We will only consider cancelling or waiving the penalty if you were prevented from delivering the return for the following reasons:

  • a failure in the government computer system prevented you from submitting the return
  • serious illness or other grave and exceptional circumstances prevented you from submitting your return
  • your entity is not required to submit a return
  • you submitted the return on time and the penalty was issued in error

Your application must be in writing to Revenue Jersey within 40 days of the date of the notice and include:

  • your name (or your client’s name if you’re acting on behalf of someone else)
  • your authorised agent name, address and contact details (if acting on behalf of someone else)
  • your tax identification number (“TIN”)
  • full details as to why the return was delivered late or why the Comptroller should consider cancelling or waiving the penalty
  • if there was a failure in the government online system, provide the date you tried to file your return and include details (or a copy print out) of the IT system error message

Each case will be considered on its own merits. Revenue Jersey will notify you whether or not the penalty has been cancelled or waived.

Appealing against Revenue Jersey's decision 

If Revenue Jersey refuses to cancel or waive the penalty you can appeal in writing within 40 days of the date of the notice of refusal.

Commissioners of appeal

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