Tax calculator
Use the tax calculator to find out how tax works and get an idea of how much tax you'll pay.
Tax calculator
Tax rate
All income liable to Jersey tax less allowable expenses and pension contributions charged at 20%
| All income liable to Jersey tax less allowable expenses, pension contributions and your tax exemption threshold charged at 26%
Tax exemption thresholds
| £16,000
Married or civil partnership
| £25,700
Married or civil partnership (born before 1952)
| £26,100
Second earner's allowance
| £6,300
Child (see note 1)
| £3,060 (per child)
Additional allowance in respect of children (see note 2)
| £4,590
Standard child care tax relief (see note 3)
| £6,273
Higher child care tax relief (pre-school children)
| £16,320
Loan interest relief for main Jersey residence (see note 4)
| £7,500 (max)
Benefit in kind
A maximum deduction of £250 against the total of all benefits in the year, of an employee or office holder
Retirement annuity relief
The combined total paid into all pension schemes in the year of assessment whichever is
the lower of:
- total pension contribution(s)
- £50,000 less any excess
- relevant earnings less any excess
Flat rate expenses
1. Children
A claim can be made for your child if they are under the age of 16, or if over the age of 16 was receiving full-time instruction at any school.
Receiving full time education at any school doesn't include receiving higher education within the meaning of the Education (Jersey) Law 1999, for example degrees or courses in preparation for professional examination at a higher level.
Therefore you cannot claim this allowance for a child in higher education, but you may be able to get a grant from student finance.
You may still be able to claim additional allowance.
Children and tax relief
Who can get student finance
2. Additional allowance for children
This allowance is only due if either:
Your dependent child must be under the age of 25 on 31 August in the year of assessment.
If your child is 16 year or over at the start of the year, they must have been in full time instruction at any school or in full time higher education, for example a degree course or equivalent.
If your child is in full time higher education, they must be a dependent student as defined by student finance.
3. Child care tax relief
You must be entitled to claim tax relief for a child and be making the payments yourself to a registered child care provider for that child.
Increase in tax exemption for child day care
4. Loan interest relief for main Jersey residence
Interest relief for your home is still available but it's being phased out.
Interest tax relief