Update your ITIS rate
Let us know if you:
- start work for the first time
- get a pay rise
- change jobs with a different salary
- increase or reduce your working hours
- take on additional work (for example part time or start working for yourself)
- were previously unemployed or only working part time and are going into full time employment
- have a child
- are now paying a registered child care provider
- are no longer paying for registered child care
Changes in income will affect the amount of tax you need to pay.
βThe sooner you tell us, the sooner we can update your rate to make sure you don't underpay your tax.
Request ITIS effective rate
Leaving Jersey
If you're leaving Jersey and you're not returning in that calendar year, you can use our online form to let us know.
Leaving the Island
Income from Jersey after you leave
The following income is still taxable in Jersey if you are a non-resident:
- Jersey property income
- Jersey employment income
- Jersey occupational or private pension income
You may be able to make a claim to have the pension income exempted in Jersey, but only if there is a tax agreement with the country you live in.
The following income is exempt from tax in Jersey if you are a non-resident:
- Jersey old age pension (paid by Social Security)
- Jersey bank interest
Tax and your pension income: living abroad
Non-residency for tax purposes
If you have a home available for your use
If you maintain a place of abode in Jersey which is available for your own use, you'll be regarded as resident for any year in which you stay in that property, even if it is only for one night.
Paying tax on a current year basis
Everyone in Jersey now pays tax on a current year basis. The ITIS rate you have been paying will have gone towards your expected current tax bill.
However, this amount will still need to be finalised so you will need to complete a tax return for the relevant year.
Returning to Jersey and tax registration
You'll need to register for tax if:
- you're returning to Jersey after an extended absence
- you're already living in Jersey but are starting work for the first time
If you're arriving in Jersey for the first time, don't complete this form. You need to register as a Jersey resident, this also includes tax registration.
Register as a Jersey resident
Change in contact details
Update your contact details with Government departments.
Marriage or civil partnerships
If you get married or register a civil partnership, you need to tell us.
Tell us you're married or in a civil partnership
Dependent children
You can claim a tax allowance if you have a dependant child. If you are paying for child care to a registered provider you can also claim a deduction.
Children and tax relief
Childcare tax relief
If you're married or in a civil partnership and you separate (ie you are living separate lives), then you must let us know.
You'll only be taxed on your own income from the date of separation.
Tell us if you've separated
Maintenance payments
If you're permanently separated and one person is paying maintenance to another, we will need to see a legally binding maintenance agreement to give a tax deduction to the person paying the maintenance.
Maintenance received on an agreement made after 1997 is not taxable.
Maintenance relief for income tax
I'm employed
When you stop working your ITIS deductions will also stop. Once your tax has been calculated the following year any outstanding tax needs to be paid by 30 November.
If you have enough income to pay tax after you've retired, you will pay in two instalments which are due by 30 November and then the following year on 31 May. You will be told about these payments on your notice of assessment. Any remaining balance that's not been covered by these two payments needs to be paid by the 30 November payment deadline.
Calculating your payment on account
I'm working for myself
If you're self-employed, you will be paying you tax by payment on account. If you are still liable to pay tax after you've retired, this will continue.
Married couples and civil partners
If one person retires and the other spouse or partner is still employed, their ITIS payments will still continue. If the amount of earnings is more than 25% of your total joint income you won't be asked to make two instalments but you will still need to settle any balance by the 30 November payment deadline.
This does not apply for independently taxed spouses or civil partners.
Independent Taxation
Pay by direct debit
You can spread out the payments of your annual tax bills over 12 months by setting up a direct debit.
How to set up a direct debit
Tell us if you've retired
When a person dies locally, the funeral director will notify the registrar about the death. We will then be notified, so you don't need to tell us at this time.
If the deceased is a non-resident taxpayer and you're a family member or dealing with the estate, contact Revenue Jersey to let us know.
Register a death
Tax information for dealing with a deceased person's estate
If you want to get any tax information about the person who has died, you must get legal recognition first. This means getting a grant of probate document or, if there is no will, letters of administration.
We'll need to see the original documents which we will copy and return to you. If you don't have this legal recognition, you should contact the Judicial Greffe Probate Registry for further advice
Judicial Greffe Probate Registry (government and administration section)ββ