ā€‹Acquiring a significant interest in an enveloped property
As the person acquiring a significant interest, you will need the following information to complete the enveloped property transaction tax form.
- Information about the entity that owns enveloped property
- name and address of the entity
- place of incorporation or establishment
- TIN issued by the Comptroller
If you do not have a TIN you must register with Revenue Jersey before completing the form.
- Information about the person or entity from which the interest was acquired
- name of the person or entity
- address of the person or entity
- registration number (if applicable)
- Information about the property
- address of the property
- the market value of the property
This information must be provided for each property within a relevant transaction.
- Information about the transaction
- name and address of the person who acquires a significant interest
- name and address of any connected person who acquires a significant interest
- amount of tax due
- whether a surcharge is due
- date of transaction
Submit your EPTT form
The amount of EPTT due will be calculated automatically on the last page of the online form using the market value provided. If you believe the amount calculated is incorrect, you are able to overwrite the calculation with your own figure.
In these circumstances, you must contact Revenue Jersey with your own calculations.
You can pay EPTT by card through the CIVICA platform or via bank transfer.
About enveloped property transaction tax
Statement as an owner of an enveloped property
As the owner of enveloped property, you are required to provide the following information if a relevant transaction takes place and no statement is made by the person acquiring a significant interest in the enveloped property.
- Information about the entity that owns enveloped property
- name and registered address of the entity
- the TIN issued by the Comptroller
- the address of each unit of property owned by the entity
Information about the person that acquires a significant interest
- name and address of the person
- if the person is not an individual, the registration number