​​​​​Visiting foreign ports
The UK's ​Foreign and Commonwealth Office issue up-to-date advice about countries and areas of the world where the security situation may not be safe and where it would be advisable to avoid going.
Owners and masters of Jersey vessels should follow that advice. In particular, when a country should be avoided, Jersey ships must keep well offshore and at least outside the 12 nautical mile limit authorised by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Further information may be available from Ships Registry.
Email Ships Registry
Foreign travel advice on GOV.UK website​
Counter-piracy measures
The United Kingdom’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has published a Marine Guidance Notice (MGN 440) which provides the links to key information concerning counter-piracy measures.
Crucially, MGN 440 provides the link to the latest version of the Best Management Practices for Protection against Somalia Based Pirates.
Jersey ships are British vessels. Masters and owners of Jersey ships are therefore urged to follow UK advice. The policy on the use of armed guards is designed for ships over 500 gross tons and is therefore not applicable to Jersey which only has vessels of up to 400 gross tons. Jersey ships should in the first place avoid high risk areas and if unavoidable, should adhere to the Best Manage​ment Practices​ referred to above.
You can read and / or download the advice from the Department for Transport's website.
For more information, contact the British Registe​r of Ships in Jersey.