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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Vehicles which need exemption permits (P30)

​​​​What vehicles need a P30 permit

The following vehicles are not allowed on Jersey roads without a permit:

  • vehicles or trailers over 2.3 metres (7 feet and 6.5 inches) wide
  • rigid vehicles over 9.3 metres (30 feet and 6 inches) long
  • articulated vehicles over 11 metres (36 feet and 1 inch) long
  • trailers (draw bar type) over 6.7 metres (22 feet) long
  • vehicles with a maximum axle weight over 10,500 kilograms
  • vehicles with a gross weight over 32,000 kilograms

These vehicles must hold a P30 permit for you to be able to drive them on Jersey roads. The permit includes both the drawing vehicle and the trailer.

There are 2 types of P30 permits, permanent or temporary. Both types of P30 permit only allow vehicles to travel on specified routes.

No vehicle or trailer travelling on a P30 permit may be used on a parish by-road without written permission of the Constable of that parish. You must have a copy of the written permission in the vehicle.

The Inspector of Motor Traffic may suspend or revoke any permit at any time if the vehicle or trailer:

  • fails to adhere to any specified conditions
  • is unroadworthy or defective

When a vehicle without a P30 permit forms the drawing unit of an articulated vehicle, the registration number must be logged with Driver and Vehicle Standards (DVS) before it is used as such.

Applying for a perm​​anent permit

Apply for a permanent P30 by completing the application form below and sendind it to the Inspector of Motor Traffic.

The cost of a permanent P30 is £201.70​, including the inspection fee.

Application form for a Permanent P30 vehicle exemption permit

A permit will only be granted if it's in the public interest to do so. All exemption permits are issued subject to various conditions of use which must be complied with.

You should wait until your permit has been granted before you buy any vehicle.

If your permit application is rejected you'll not be able to register the vehicle or circulate it on Jersey roads.

Oversize vehicles must not be circulated on Jersey roads at any time without a valid permit.

If you're granted a permanent P30 you'll be given a pink disc. This will show the conditions of use and must be displayed in the front windscreen of the vehicle or in a disc holder if fitted to a trailer.

Identification plates (P30) will be supplied after the initial vehicle inspection which must be fitted to the front and rear of the vehicle.

Annual vehicle and trailer inspections

All P30 permitted vehicles and trailers must be submitted to DVS for an initial inspection before a permit can be issued and thereafter inspected on an annual basis before the renewal of a permit.

Vehicles and trailers submitted for inspection must be clean, well maintained and be accompanied either by a driver with mechanical knowledge, or a driver and a mechanic.

If you're applying to renew your permit, you should book a vehicle inspection for the month your permit expires.

Temporary exemption permit

A temporary exemption permit may be granted to vehicles of a special design or to those carrying an indivisible load.

This permit is issued for a specified journey or period. It's subject to particular conditions of use which must be complied with.

Some vehicles may not be granted a permit until an acceptable route survey has been submitted to DVS and approved by the relevant highway authority.

Apply for a temporary exemption permit (P30)

Police escort

If​ the vehicle requires a police escort, a valid P30 permit must be presented to the police officer prior to the journey.

What you need to display and carry on your vehicle

You must display a blue disc which shows the conditions of use in the front windscreen of the vehicle.

The temporary permit or a copy of the temporary permit must be carried by the driver and produced to a police officer, traffic officer or port control officer on request.

Changes to P30 permits for vehicles up to 2.35 meters in width

It has been acceptable in the past to allow owners of over-width vehicles to have them altered in order to bring them int​o width and therefor​e not require a P30 permit. 

This ​often involved changing front axles, altering braking systems and fitting narrower wheels, or others, which compromises certain safety features, such as ABS systems and steering geometry.

The Inspector of Motor Traffic has decided that altering vehicles in this way is no longer acceptable and will therefore grant P30 permits for unmodified vehicles up to 2.35 metres in width with no conditions. However, the owner of the vehicle will need a letter of consent to use parish by-roads from the appropriate parish Constable.

There will be no change for vehicles which exceed 2.35 metres in width.

A P30 permit will only be granted to vehicles over 2.35 metres in width, if the inspector decides it's in the public's interest to do so. These permits will be subject to the normal conditions with regard to routes and times of circulation or else.​

The above changes do not apply to temporary P30 permits for vehicles visiting Jersey. These vehicles will only be granted a P30 permit if they are carrying an indivisible load and the inspector decides it is in the p​ublic interest to do so. Normal conditions will apply with regard to routes and times of circulation or else.

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