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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Employer contribution rates for earlier years

​​​​2024 contribution rates​

​​​​​​​Minimum earnings threshold

​​​Payment period
​Paid weekly
​Paid every 2 weeks
​Paid every 4 weeks
​Paid monthly

​​​​​​​Class 1 contributions

​Class 1 contribution
​6.5% up t​o the SEL
​2.5% between the SEL and UEL

​Earnings limit
​​Monthly earnings
​Standard Earnings Limit (SEL)
​Upper Earnings Limit (UEL)

​​​2023 contribution rates​

​​​​​​​Minimum earnings threshold

​​​Payment period
​Paid weekly
​Paid every 2 weeks
​Paid every 4 weeks
​Paid monthly

​​​​​​​Class 1 contributions

​Class 1 contribution
​6.5% up t​o the SEL
​2.5% between the SEL and UEL

​Earnings limit
​​Monthly earnings
​Standard Earnings Limit (SEL)
​Upper Earnings Limit (UEL)

​​2022 contribution rates​

​​​​​​​Minimum earnings threshold

​​​Payment period
​Paid weekly
​Paid every 2 weeks
​Paid every 4 weeks
​Paid monthly

​​​​​​​Class 1 contributions

​Class 1 contribution
​Primary (January to September)
​Primary (October to December)
​6.5% up to the SEL
​2.5% between the SEL and UEL

​Earnings limit
​​Monthly earnings
​Standard Earnings Limit (SEL)
​Upper Earnings Limit (UEL)

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